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The Fire soldiers dragged you to the deck and shoved you in front of the boy from before

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The Fire soldiers dragged you to the deck and shoved you in front of the boy from before. 

"Watch it!" you spat, glaring at them. 

The boy turned around and walked up to you, lowering his face to your level. 

"Here's how this is gonna go down. You are going to take me to the Avatar. And when I catch him, I will let you go. You cause any mishaps or problems on this ship and I will kill you. Vex me, I will kill you. Do anything that could put this ship or my honor in jeopardy, I will kill you. And if I find out at any point in this trip you lied to me. I. Will. Kill. You. Do we have a deal?"

"Jeez. If I breathe the wrong way are you gonna kill me, too?" you asked, rolling your eyes. 

"Do not mock me!" he shouted, forming fire in his hands. 

"Okay! Okay! Deal!" you agreed, trying to back up from the flame, despite being restrained. 

"Good," he nodded, closing his hand and getting rid of the fire. 

"Prince Zuko. Who is this beautiful guest?" An older man asked while walking over to you, smiling. 

"She is our prisoner who will lead us to the Avatar, Uncle," Zuko answered, turning to the man. 

"Guards! Take her down to a cell and give her something to change out of those disgusting Water tribe garb," Zuko ordered his men. 

They nodded and turned around, dragging you inside. 


They threw you inside this cell along with some female Fire Nation clothes and slammed the door shut. 

The cell was dark, lit only by a small window to the outside of the ship, and the door had a sliding eye hole and sliding food hole as well. 

You sighed and slumped down against the wall, letting a few tears roll down your cheeks. 

'It all went so wrong so fast. Katara and Sokka are off with the Avatar, I've been taken prisoner by the Fire Nation, and worse, Grandmother and the village are left defenseless without me.'  

You needed a plan.

It looks like I'll have to sell out the Avatar in order for Zuko to let me go, but that's if he even keeps up his end of the agreement. For all I know, he could be planning to take the Avatar, kill me, and move on.'

You furrowed your eyebrows as you looked down at the ground, thinking. 

That is, until the sound of the eye slot slid open. 

You glanced up and saw the helmet of a Fire soldier on the other side. 

"Prince Zuko demands your presence at dinner with him and his uncle. He also demands that along with your clothes, you take your hair out of your traditional water tribe style," The soldier stated. 

𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐓𝐎𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑, 𝐳𝐮𝐤𝐨Where stories live. Discover now