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You made it to the Upper Ring and found the house that Aang and them should be staying at

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You made it to the Upper Ring and found the house that Aang and them should be staying at. 

You knocked on their door and Katara opened it. 

"(y/n)!" She happily exclaimed, pulling you into a tight hug. 

"Hey, sis," you smiled, hugging her back. 

You walked into the house and Sokka ran to you. 

"We're so glad you're okay," he smiled, hugging you as well. 

"Good to see you, (y/n)," Aang waved. 

"Good to see you, too," you smiled. 

"This is Toph. She's Aang's earthbending teacher and the newest member of our Gaang," Katara smiled, motioning to a little girl. 

She was still in her pajamas and had crazy hair. 

"Sup," she greeted. 

"Sup. I like the bed-head. Wicked," you complimented. 

"Thanks," Toph smiled. 

"Speaking of which, Toph, aren't you gonna get ready for the day? You have a little bit of dirt on your...everywhere," Katara asked. 

"You call it dirt, I call it a healthy coating of earth," Toph corrected. 

"You know what we need? A girl's day out! That way you and (y/n) can get some time to know each other. It'll be fun," Katara smiled. 

You and Toph groaned. 

"Do I have to?" you both whined in unison. 

You two paused for a moment and turned to each other. 

"I'm gonna like you," you both smirked in unison. 


Katara took you to this fancy spa in the Upper Ring and you and Toph grimaced. 

"The fancy lady day spa? Sounds like my kind of place," you groaned. 

"Are you ready for some serious pampering?" Katara asked happily. 

"Sure, Katara. Whatever you say. As long as they don't touch my feet," Toph sighed. 

"And don't touch my hands," you added.


You two got your feet done, to Toph's dismay, did mud baths, and got in the sauna. 

The ladies did your makeup and now you were on your way back to the house. 

"So you can see with your feet? That's so cool! No wonder you're an earth-bending master," you marveled. 

"It's nothing," Toph shrugged. 

You two walked over this bridge and ran into a group of girls. 

"Wow, great makeup," one girl said to Toph as you passed. 

"Thanks," Toph replied. 

"For a clown!" The girl finished. 

Their group began laughing and Toph's smile drooped. 

"I think she looks cute. Like that time we put a sweater on your pet poodle-monkey," another girl smirked. 

They burst into laughter again and you and Katara growled. 

You furrowed your eyebrows and bent some water from the canal below, using it to smudge the girls' makeup. 

"Don't listen to them. Let's just keep walking," Katara assured. 

"No, no, that was a good one. Like your poodle-monkey. You know what else is a good one?" Toph laughed. 

She stomped her foot and a perfectly circular hole dropped under the girls' feet, dropping them in the river. 

"Toph. You are my new favorite person," you said in awe. 

Toph smiled as you continued walking. 

"Those girls don't know what they're talking about," Katara assured. 

"It's okay. One of the good things about being blind is that I don't have to waste my time worrying about appearances. I don't care what I look like. I'm not looking for anyone's approval. I know who I am," Toph stated, looking down at the ground. 

"That's what I really admire about you, Toph. I might've only known you for a day now, but you've shown me how strong, confident, and self-assured you are, and that's true beauty," you smiled. 

Toph smiled while looking straight and Katara looked like she was about to cry happy tears. 

"And I know it doesn't matter but...you're really pretty," you added. 

"You think so?" Toph asked, smiling. 

"I know so," you answered. 

Toph walked over to you and gave you a hug. 

"Thank you, (y/n)," she smiled again. 

You nodded and you two separated, going back to walking. 

"I'd return the compliment, but I have no idea what you look like," Toph shrugged. 

You and Katara laughed as you continued walking. 

Toph socked you in the arm and you smiled. 

"Ow," you winced. 

'She is incredibly strong for her age and size.'


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