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You had found a nice lake to camp near so you could help Aang with his waterbending and you were kind of having a lazy day

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You had found a nice lake to camp near so you could help Aang with his waterbending and you were kind of having a lazy day. 

"Alright, so you both know how to make the water tentacles. But there's a common problem: you can only move about three at once. But I, (y/n) the Powerful, have come up with a solution," you smirked. 

"Get to the point, (y/n)," Katara rolled her eyes. 

"The trick is to move your fingers individually as well," you finished. 

You used the water to make a bunch of tentacles and wiggled your fingers, making all of the tentacles move in different patterns. 

You dissipated the water after a bit and smiled. 

"Now you try," you instructed. 

Aang and Katara tried it, Aang getting it immediately and Katara's kinda flailing around a bit. 

"Come on, guys. We've got a lot of ground to cover if we're gonna make it to Omashu today and we aren't gonna make it up by playing with calamari," Sokka stated as he floated around on a leaf. 

"Like you're ready to go right now, naked guy," you rolled your eyes. 

He was in nothing but his underwear. 

"I could be ready in two minutes. Seriously. Whenever," Sokka replied. 

Just then, this group of people walked over, and it looked like they were playing instruments. 

"Heyyyy, river people," one man smiled. 

"We're not river people," you stated, cocking an eyebrow. 

"You're not? Well, then what kind of people are you?" the guy asked. 

"Just people," Aang shrugged. 

"Aren't we all, brother. Hoo!" the guy smiled. 

"Who are you?" Sokka asked, storming over. 

"I'm Chong. And this is my wife, Lily. We're nomads. Happy to go wherever the wind takes us," Chong smiled, playing a riff on his guitar. 

"You guys are nomads? That's great! I'm a nomad!" Aang smiled.

"Hey! Me, too!" Chong smiled. 

'I think this guy's a few strings short of a guitar.'


Somehow, the nomads talked us into going through this "Cave of Secret Lovers" and a few dead ends, wolf-bats, and cave-ins later, and now you were separated. 

And you're alone with a torch that's gonna burn out in two hours. 

Suddenly, you felt something rub up on your foot. 

𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐓𝐎𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑, 𝐳𝐮𝐤𝐨Where stories live. Discover now