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You and Iroh were on the deck, playing Pai Sho, when you docked on this island

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You and Iroh were on the deck, playing Pai Sho, when you docked on this island. 

Zuko walked onto the deck and over to you two with his usual power strut. 

"Me and my men are going down to check for signs of the Avatar. Stay here," he ordered. 

You and Iroh nodded your heads and Zuko walked down the ramp with his men. 

You craned your necks, making sure he was all the way gone before turning to each other, smirking. 

"Wanna go down there?" He smirked, his eyebrow raised. 

"You read my mind," you smirked back, standing up. 

"I believe there is a hot spring down there that we can get into," Iroh stated, standing up as well. 


You and Iroh walked down the ramp and wandered around a bit until you found the springs. 

"Hmm. They're springs. But they're not hot," you stated quizzically, rubbing your chin. 

"Allow me," he smiled.

 He placed his hand down on this root and suddenly, all of the springs began to bubble. 

Iroh began taking off all his clothes and you immediately covered your eyes. 

"Um, I'm gonna go to the spring that's under the willow tree. Separate from this one," you awkwardly announced, walking away. 

You pushed past the curtain of vines and saw this beautiful, light blue spring that was right under an opening in the tree, making the spring look almost ethereal. 

Not to mention it was bubbling. 

You smiled and took your hair out of its several ties, your clothes following suit, leaving you in your undergarments. 

You slowly got into the spring and sat down, sighing. 

'Iroh knows what he's doing. This temperature is perfect.'

For the first time in a while, you felt relaxed.


It had been a couple hours when suddenly, Zuko pushed through the vines. 

He laid eyes on you and immediately blushed. 

"What are you doing?! I told you to stay on the ship!" he shouted. 

"It was just a quick, little field trip. I needed to stretch my legs," you answered, smiling and moving around in the water. 

"Well you've stretched long enough. We've found traces of the Avatar and I don't want to lose him!" he spat. 

𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐓𝐎𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑, 𝐳𝐮𝐤𝐨Where stories live. Discover now