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	"I think (y/n) would make a great freedom fighter," Jet chimed as he watched you get your tickets

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"I think (y/n) would make a great freedom fighter," Jet chimed as he watched you get your tickets. 

"You don't know anything about her, Jet," Smellerbee replied, her hand on her hip. 

"I know she didn't get her scar from a waterbender," he retorted. 

"Besides, you only think that 'cause you like her," she teased. 

Jet blushed and looked back to you. 

You took your tickets and then turned around, waving at Jet. 

He waved back and sighed. 

"I mean...she is easy on the eyes. Really easy. ....But that's not the point!" he quickly corrected. 

"Mhmm. Sure. What do you think, Longshot?" Smellerbee asked. 

Longshot gave the two a look. 

"You would say that," Jet groaned.


After a long trip, you finally arrived. 

Ba Sing Se. 

You were walking around the Lower Ring when you suddenly remembered, Luna was still in your satchel. 

"Here, you can come out now," you smiled, placing your satchel on the floor. 

Luna shimmied out and shook some hair off herself, leaving it in your bag. 

"That'll be fun to clean up," you sighed as you two began to walk. 

"Let's get looking. We gotta find an apartment." 

Just then, you bumped into someone. 

"Hey, watch it-Oh! Hey, Jet," you smiled. 

Jet looked angry and you got concerned. 

"Jet? What's wrong?" you asked. 

"Nothing. I'm fine," Jet said quickly, walking past you, but you grabbed his hand. 

He snapped his head around and you gave him a concerned look. "

Are you sure? You can tell me if you want," you asked. 

His face softened and he sighed. 

"I'm fine, (y/n). I just gotta do something," he answered. 

You nodded and let go of his hand, letting him walk away. 

"That was weird right?" you asked Luna, looking down at your satchel, her nodding in agreement.


You bought an apartment in the Lower Ring and dropped off all your stuff there, which was pretty much nothing. 

You were thirsty and craving something warm so you decided to go to your local tea shop. 

You walked in and took a quick moment to enjoy the smell of tea before walking up to the counter. 

There was an old man with his back turned, but he turned around and it was Iroh. 

"Iroh!" you exclaimed, surprised. 

"(y/n), my dear, it is good to see you," he smiled, giving you a hug across the counter. 

"How did-? Wait. Is he-?" "He's in the back," he smiled, already knowing who you were talking about. 

You walked behind the counter and into the kitchen to see Zuko making tea. 

He looked up from the tea tray for a moment and his eyes went wide. 

"(y/n)?" Zuko asked, eyes wide as he dropped the tea tray. 

You smiled and ran to him, smashing your lips onto each other as Zuko wrapped his arms around your waist. 

You wrapped yours around his neck and tangled your fingers in his hair. 

His ponytail was gone and his hair was now short and spiky. 

"I like your hair," you smiled as you pulled apart, fiddling with a tuft. 

"I like yours," he smiled back. 

Your hair had gotten longer, too. 

"What are you and Iroh doing in Ba Sing Se?" you asked. 

"Starting a new life. No more Avatar. No more honor," he answered.

 Your eyes went wide. 

"I can't believe it. I'm so proud!" you smiled. 

"What are you doing in Ba Sing Se?" he asked, tilting his head. 

"I'm looking for my siblings...again. We got separated...again. So until I find them, I'll be in town," you smiled. 

Zuko smiled back at your and you got an idea. 

"So, would you recommend the jasmine tea?" you asked, smirking. 

"It's not yours, but it's good," he answered, smiling. 

You liked this new Zuko. 

'He is really turning a page.'

"Why don't I make us some jasmine tea? For old time's sake," you smiled, walking over to the shelf to get some supplies. 

"I haven't had (y/n) tea in so long," he happily sighed, rubbing his stomach. 

You laughed, getting the water ready.


You and Zuko drank tea and talked for an hour or two before you left, but since you haven't seen each other in so long, you wanted to give him a gift.

 When you left, you got him a teacup that had "(y/n) and Zuko" engraved on one side, and "(n/y) and Okuz" on the other. 

You put it in a nice box and then went back to the tea shop. 

It was closed and locked up so you looked around for a bit before you saw this water fountain. 

You started walking over when you saw Zuko and this girl together. 

You were confused for a moment until they kissed. 

Your heart practically shattered.

A tear rolled down your cheek and you ran away, not wanting to look back. 

'I can't believe him! After we just reunited!'

While lost in your thoughts, you bumped into someone. 

"Whoa, what's wrong (y/n)?" a familiar voice asked. 

You looked up and saw Jet looking at you, concerned. 

"It's complicated," you said, your voice cracking. 

Suddenly, you got an idea and didn't even think about it. 

You smashed your lips on Jet's and his eyes went wide before he wrapped his hands around your waist. 

You two stood there kissing and you furrowed your eyebrows. 

'Why does it still hurt?' 


𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐓𝐎𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑, 𝐳𝐮𝐤𝐨Where stories live. Discover now