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You two made it to the ferry and you ditched the bear skin

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You two made it to the ferry and you ditched the bear skin. 

Didn't want to give kids nightmares.

You walked up the ramp to the boat and looked around for a good place to sit. 

You settled for this corner where nobody seemed to be and peeked in your satchel to check on Luna. 

"Remember, girl, you gotta be quiet. If anyone sees you, they'll kick us off," you whispered. 

She nodded and you shut the flap to your satchel. 

'This is gonna be a long trip.' 


It had been three days on this boat and you were about to go insane. 

They served slop you wouldn't even call food, won't even give any blankets for when you have to sleep on the cold deck floor, and there are so many of people that you were shoulder to shoulder. 

You were playing with your dagger, twirling it with your fingers, when this boy approached you. 

"Mind if I sit?" he asked. 

"Be my guest," you answered. 

He sat down next to you and you got a good look at him. 

He was wearing very beat up clothes with little bits and pieces of armor. He had dark brown hair and olive skin, with a blade of grass in his mouth. 

He actually looked really handsome. 

"Name's Jet," He smiled. 

"(y/n)," you smiled back. 

"I've been meaning to ask, what's the red sash for?" Jet asked, looking at the tattered sash around your waist. 

"Took it as a trophy for fighting off a Fire Nation soldier," you answered, looking down at it. 

"I assume you've had an experience with the Fire Nation," Jet said, looking down at the ground. 

"Yup. Look," you nodded, pulling your hair from your neck to show the splotchy burn you got from Zhao. 


"Must've hurt," Jet said sarcastically. 

"You don't know the meaning of the word," you sighed. 

You both stayed in comfortable silence for a moment. 

"You any good with that?" Jet asked, nodding to the dagger in my bag. 

"'Cause me and my Freedom Fighters are gonna...liberate some food from the captain's quarters, and we could use your help." 

"I don't know. You tell me," you smirked, swirling your dagger around in a matter of seconds then holding it up to his throat with one hand. 

He smirked. "You're strong. I like that." 

He shot a wink at you and your cheeks glowed, making you pull the knife away from his throat.


Later that night, you and Jet snuck into the captain's kitchen to find the food. 

He had these long swords with hooks at the tip and you brought my dagger. 

You got into the kitchen and Jet cut a bunch of chicken down, you running over to the other side of the kitchen, quickly wrapping up some food bowls. 

Jet watched you as you did it and smirked.

 You blushed, but was interrupted by Smellerbee whispering that a guard was coming. 

Behind Jet, you saw a guard about to walk by so you pinned him to the wall. 

Your everything began to heat up at the way Jet was looking at you, but you kept cool and waited until the guard turned the corner before backing off. 

"Sorry," you whispered. 

"Don't be," he smirked. 

You two ran out the kitchen and to the balcony, where Longshot shot an arrow and a rope for you. 

You two sent the food down with Smellerbee, and then Jet attached his hooks to the rope. 

"Wait, my dagger's too short. It's not gonna make it," you whispered. 

Out of nowhere, Jet grabbed you by your waist and you both rode down together. 

When we got down to the floor, you turned to him, tomato red. 

"Sorry, but I saw a guard," he sheepishly apologized, rubbing the back of his neck. 


You each took a section of the boat to pass out food to and then sat down yourselves to eat. 

"Wow! That sounds amazing. It would be awesome to be part of a group like that," you smiled, taking a bite of your rice ball.

They were telling you about their Freedom Fighters.

 "You can be. You can join us," Jet said happily, his eyes lighting up. 

"Oh, Jet, I'd love to. But I have to find my siblings. They're the whole reason I'm going to Ba Sing Se. We got separated and I need to make sure they're okay," you replied, sadly smiling at him. 

Jet's expression dropped and your heart dropped, too. 

"But once we get in the city, if you want to hang out or...liberate anything together," you blushed, looking away from him while you spoke. 

He smirked and gave you a look, which caused you to blush even darker. 

"I'd like that," he smirked. 

Just then, Luna crawled out your satchel and began eating some of your duck. 

"Luna!" you whisper-yelled as she housed down all of your duck. 

Jet chuckled as you wrangled Luna back into the satchel. 

Once she was finally in, you sighed. 

"Well, I think I'm gonna get some sleep," you yawned, stretching. 

"Alright. Goodnight, (y/n)," Jet smiled. 

"Goodnight, Jet," you smiled back as you laid down on the ground.


Everyone else was asleep, but you were still awake. 

You couldn't sleep. 

'What am I doing? Why am I feeling this way for Jet? I want Zuko.......right? Why do I want them both? I can't have both. Maybe it's the distance. We'll see each other again.' 


𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐓𝐎𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑, 𝐳𝐮𝐤𝐨Where stories live. Discover now