𝐓 𝐖 𝐄 𝐍 𝐓 𝐘 - 𝐅 𝐈 𝐕 𝐄

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You fluttered your eyes open and abruptly sat up, quickly regretting it when a stabbing pain came to your stomach

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You fluttered your eyes open and abruptly sat up, quickly regretting it when a stabbing pain came to your stomach. 

You looked down and saw your torso was wrapped in bandages, and you were wearing this medical like robe.

You looked around the room and your eyes went wide when you  saw all of the Fire Nation flags on the walls. 

"Oh, my spirits," you exhaled. 

You stood up, wincing at the pain, and limped out the room and into the hallway.

You turned the bend but saw two soldiers. 

"She's awake!" One with a very deep voice exclaimed. 

You quickly turned around and tried to limp away as fast as you could. 

You made it up these stairs to the deck but tripped and fell down in front of these soldiers that were petting your little white puppy. 

"Luna?" you asked, confused. 

She turned to you and gave out a happy bark, running and nuzzling next to your face. 

"(y/n)!" Toph happily exclaimed, running over with Katara.

 "(y/n)! You're alive!" Katara smiled. 

"If this is what being alive feels like, I'd rather feel dead. Feels like I just got hit by a boulder," you groaned as you stood up. 

"You're not dead. You're finally awake," Katara smiled, running to you and giving you a tight hug. 

"(y/n), good to see you back with the living, sis," a soldier with a familiar voice said as he hugged you. 

"Sokka?" you asked lightly, confused. 

You suddenly felt really dizzy, and the world was swirling. 

"Somebody catch her, she's gonna-!" Toph was cut off by you hitting the ground, going out cold.


"Why are we on a Fire Nation ship? Why is everyone dressed like this? And why am I the only one who's completely out of it?" you asked, confused.

You had woken up again and were sitting with Katara, trying to figure out what's happened since you've been out. 

"You need to take it easy, okay? You got hurt pretty bad," Katara stated.

You sighed and looked down. 

"Your hair is crazy long," Katara smiled. 

Your eyes went wide and you pulled your hair up, as if it were in a ponytail, and it still went down to your thighs. 

"How long was I out?!" you asked. 

"A few weeks," Katara answered. 

"Everything okay?" Dad asked, walking over to you two. 

You furrowed your eyebrows. 

Somewhere, deep down, you were angry with your dad.

He left a fourteen year old girl to be a mother to her siblings and a chief to an entire village. 

"We're fine, dad," you hurried, looking away from him. 

"I just wanted to see how you were doing," Dad said sadly. 

"Great, great. You saw. Now can you give us some privacy?" you asked coldly. 

"Of course," Dad sighed, walking away. 

Katara gave you a look. 

"Are you mad at dad?" she asked. 

You cocked a brow at her. 

"No. What makes you say that?" you asked, sarcastically. 

Just then, you felt the stabbing pain in your stomach again and winced. 

"Maybe you should go upstairs. You need a healing session," Katara said, helping you up.


You put on a mid-drift and laid down on the floor. 

You had this grapefruit sized red splotch on your stomach and Katara said she was gonna give you daily healing sessions to try and shrink the scar. 

Katara bent some water from two bowls and floated them above your stomach. 

"Tell me where your pain feels most intense," Katara stated.

You nodded and she placed the water on your burn.

 Suddenly, you had a flash of Zuko stabbing you and then holding you in his arms as he cried.

You snapped your eyes back open and panted, abruptly sitting up. 

"Katara, I need you to tell me everything that happened after I died," you asked seriously, grabbing her arm. 

"Toph broke us free from our cell and we made it to the caves right when you got stabbed and Aang got struck by lightning. Luna sent a shockwave at Zuko and blasted him away, scooping all of us up on her back and running us out of there. We got to Appa and I split the spirit water between you and Aang," Katara explained. 

*That's all that I have y'all ;(   I hope this holds y'all over until I feel like pickin this up again. i love that you guys still enjoy it, though. keep reading and ily!*

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