𝐓 𝐖 𝐄 𝐍 𝐓 𝐘 - 𝐓 𝐇 𝐑 𝐄 𝐄

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"There are secret files on everyone in Ba Sing Se

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"There are secret files on everyone in Ba Sing Se. Including you kids," General How stated as a soldier put a box down in front of you. 

"Secret files?" Aang stated quizzically, raising an eyebrow. 

"Toph Beifong," the king read, passing the scroll to Toph. 

Toph passed it to you and you unrolled it.

 "It's a letter from your mom. Your mom's in the city. And she wants to see you," you paraphrased as you read the letter. 

"Long Feng intercepted our letters from home? That's just sad," Toph shook her head. 

"Aang," the king said, passing another scroll. 

"This scroll was attached to the horn of your bison when the Dai Li captured it," General How chimed. 

"It's from the Eastern Air temple," Aang smiled. 

"Is there a letter for me, Sokka, and (y/n), by any chance?" Katara asked. 

"I'm afraid not," The king apologized. 

"But there is an intelligence report that might interest you," General How answered, handing Katara a scroll. 

"A small fleet of water tribe ships?" Katara stated quizzically, unrolling the scroll. 

"What? That could be dad!" Sokka happily exclaimed. 

"Protecting the mouth of Chameleon Bay? Led by Hakoda, it is dad!" Katara said happily. 

You smiled. 

'Dad's back.' 

"But we do have one final letter for (y/n)," the king smiled, handing you the last scroll. 

You cocked a brow and unrolled it.

Dear (y/n),

You might be out of the city or across the world by the time you read this, but I still feel like you deserve an explanation of what happened that night near the fountain. I was feeling down and Uncle decided I needed a "distraction". He set me up on a date with this girl that was a regular at the shop and that was the day you came back. Uncle insisted I still go on the date because it would be rude if I just canceled out of the blue, so I went along. We had dinner and came to the fountain to look at the candles when she kissed me. I backed off of her and we went our separate ways. I never meant to hurt you, (y/n). I'm sorry.



Tears welled up in your eyes but you quickly wiped them away. 

'I'm an idiot.' 

"What is it, (y/n)?" Katara asked. 

You quickly stuffed it in your bag. 

"It's nothing," you said quickly. 

Katara gave you a suspicious look before Aang interrupted her. 

"I can't believe it. There's a man living at the Eastern Air Temple. He said he's a guru," Aang smiled, looking at his letter again. 

"What's a guru? Some kinda poisonous blowfish?" Sokka asked. 

"No, a spiritual expert. He wants to help me take the next step in the Avatar journey. He says he can teach me to control the Avatar State," Aang explained. 

"And I can't believe we know where our Dad is now," you smiled.

"I know what you mean. My mom's in the city, and from her letter, it finally sounds like she finally understands me," Toph chimed. 

"This is all such big news. Where do we even start?" Sokka asked. 

"I hate to say it, but...we have to split up," you said sadly. 

"Split up? We just found Appa and got the family back together. Now you want us to separate?" Aang asked. 

"You have to meet this guru, Aang. If we're gonna invade the Fire Nation, you need to be ready," you answered seriously. 

"Well, if I'm going to the Eastern Air Temple, Appa and I can drop you off at Chameleon Bay to see your dad," Aang smiled. 

"Someone has to stay here with the Earth King and help him plan for the invasion. I guess that's me," Sokka sighed, standing up. 

"No, Sokka, I know how badly you want to help dad. You and (y/n) go, I'll stay," Katara replied, standing up as well. 

"Stop it, the both of you. You two were young when dad left, I was fourteen. You two deserve to go see him. Besides, I've waited this long, I can wait a little longer," you dismissed, standing up as well. 

The two of them smiled and gave you a tight hug. 

"You are the best...sister...ever!" They both happily exclaimed. 

"Easy, guys. ...But you're right, I am," you smiled back, patting them on their heads.


𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐓𝐎𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑, 𝐳𝐮𝐤𝐨Where stories live. Discover now