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After a day and a night of gliding, you finally made it to the North Pole

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After a day and a night of gliding, you finally made it to the North Pole. 

You managed to make it to the ice before you collapsed onto the ground. 

A man threw you over his shoulder and carried you to this palace. 

"And now, Master Pakku and his students will-." The man speaking was interrupted by the guy carrying you bursting into the room. 

"Sir! Sir! I found this stranger on our shores," the guy carrying you said frantically. 

"(y/n)!" Katara exclaimed, running towards you. 

The guy put you down on the ground and Katara put your head in her lap. 

"You know this stranger?" the man making the speech asked. 

"She's our sister. (y/n) how did you get here?" Sokka asked, running over. 

"They're coming," you said weakly. 

"Who?" Katara asked. 

"Fire Nation. Whole fleet. Going to attack. Claim North Pole," you sputtered out. 

The entire room gasped. 

"Oh, my Spirits," Katara exhaled.


It was the next day and everyone was gathered in this room. 

"The day we have feared for so long has arrived. The Fire Nation is on our doorstep. It is with great sadness, I call my family here before me, knowing well that some of these faces are about to vanish from our tribe. But they will never vanish from our hearts. Now, as we approach the battle for our existence, I call upon the great spirits...Spirit of the Ocean, Spirit of the Moon, be with us! I'm going to need volunteers for a dangerous mission," Chief Arnook spoke. 

"Count me in," Sokka said, standing up. 

"Sokka!" you whispered through gritted teeth. 

"Be warned. Many of you will not return. Come forward to receive my mark if you accept the task," Arnook added. 

Many men got in line and received the mark, Sokka included.

You noticed he looked back to the girl with the white hair and she let a tear roll down her cheek. 


You all were watching the horizon on the palace balcony and you turned to Aang. 

"Aang, I've been meaning to tell you I'm sorry. For the whole, hunting you down thing. I was just trying to make sure my siblings stayed safe. I just wanted to say that in case I-." You made a throat slit gesture and he nodded. 

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