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After a few days of sobbing and self pity in your apartment, you decided it was time to confront Zuko

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After a few days of sobbing and self pity in your apartment, you decided it was time to confront Zuko. 

You found out that Aang and them are living in the Upper Ring, so you were gonna be leaving to go there that night. 

You had your things packed and Luna in her satchel, so all that was left was Zuko. 

You walked into the tea shop and up to the counter. 

"Hello, (y/n). It has been a few days," Iroh smiled. 

"Can I talk to him?" you asked. 

Iroh nodded and let you go to the back. 

You walked into the kitchen and saw Zuko cleaning some tea pots. 

"Hey, (y/n)," he greeted. 

"How was your date?" you asked. 

His eyes went wide and he turned to you. 

"I saw you and that girl near the fountain," you continued, looking down to the floor. 

"(y/n), I can-." "No, I understand. We've been apart for too long and you've found someone else. I have to go anyway," you interrupted.

 You didn't want to hear him talk about her. 

"Where are you going?" he asked sadly, walking over. 

"I found out my siblings are in the Upper Ring. So I'm leaving tonight. I just wanted to say goodbye," you answered, turning around. 

You walked out the back room, a few tears spilling out your eyes, and Zuko followed you. 

"(y/n), wait!" he called. 

Just then, Jet burst into the shop.

"I'm tired of waiting. These two men are firebenders!" Jet exclaimed, pointing at Zuko and Iroh and whipping out his swords. 

'Shoot! If they're caught, they'll be executed!' 

"I know they're firebenders! I saw the old man heating his tea!" Jet continued. 

"He works in a tea shop," A soldier, who was sitting at a table with another, chimed. 

"He's a firebender, I'm telling you!" Jet shouted again. 

"Drop your swords, boy. Nice and easy," The soldier ordered, standing up from the table with another soldier. 

"You'll have to defend yourself. Then everyone will know. Go ahead, show them what you can do," Jet furrowed his eyebrows, walking towards Iroh. 

 Zuko walked from behind the counter and took the soldier's swords. 

"You want a show? I'll give you a show," he spat. 

He kicked a table towards Jet but Jet sliced it in half. 

They began swiping at each other with their swords, jumping to dodge. 

Jet backflipped to dodge one of Zuko's swipes and you got between the two. 

"Jet! Lee! Stop it!" you demanded, putting your hands out to both of them. 

You knew Zuko had to use a fake name.

"Get out of the way, (y/n)!" Jet shouted, jumping for Zuko. 

You ducked and Jet kicked Zuko through the wall and outside the shop. 

You ran after them and saw they were pushing their swords against each other. 

"You must be getting tired of using those swords. Why don't you go ahead and firebend at me?" Jet smirked. 

"Please, son, you're confused!" Iroh exclaimed from the doorway. 

They broke apart and began swiping at each other again. 

"Bet you wish he helped you out with a little fire blast right now," Jet continued. 

"You're the one that needs help," Zuko spat as he blocked another one of Jet's swipes. 

You bent the water from a puddle and created your own two swords. 

You ran into the fight and managed to pin at least one of their swords down. 

"Both of you! Stop it, right now! Fighting is not the answer!" you shouted. 

"You would defend a firebender? They're Fire Nation, (y/n)!" Jet exclaimed, lifting his sword from your pin and swiping at Zuko. 

"Even if they are, what are you going to do?! Kill them?! What have they done?!" you asked as Zuko broke free of my pin as well. 

Jet back-flipped onto this fountain's ledge and glared at Zuko. 

"The Fire Nation is trying to silence me! It'll never happen!" Jet exclaimed, jumping at Zuko again. 

They continued to swipe at and block each other when the Dai Li walked over. 

"Alright, drop your weapons," one demanded. 

"Arrest them! They're firebenders!" Jet exclaimed, pointing a sword at Zuko and Iroh. 

"This poor boy is confused. We're just simple refugees," Iroh stated. 

"This young man wrecked my tea shop and assaulted my employees!" The shop owner shouted. 

"It's true, sir. We saw the whole thing. This crazy kid attacked the finest tea maker in the city," the soldier from before confirmed. 

You began to panic. 

They were gonna take Jet away and do Spirits know what to him. 

"Come with us, son," The Dai Li ordered, grabbing Jet and using rocks to handcuff him. 

"You don't understand! They're Fire Nation! (y/n)! You have to believe me!" Jet shouted as they dragged him to the carriage. 

"Jet!" you exclaimed as they threw him in the back part. 

They rode off and more tears rolled down your cheeks. 

Zuko walked up behind you and was about to put his hand on your shoulder, but you swatted it away. 

"I'm losing everyone," you sniffled. 

You ran away from him and got back to your apartment. 

You grabbed your knapsack and satchel with Luna inside before setting off.


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