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You and Zuko were up in the helmsman's area, talking to Lin while Iroh and a few other crew members played Pai Sho

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You and Zuko were up in the helmsman's area, talking to Lin while Iroh and a few other crew members played Pai Sho. 

"We haven't been able to pick up the Avatar's trail since the storm, but if we continued heading northeast-." Lin was interrupted by the shadow of a Fire Navy ship casting itself through the window. 

"What do they want?" Zuko asked. 

"Perhaps a sporting game of Pai Sho," Iroh smiled. 

"I wouldn't get your hopes up," you sighed.

Almost on cue, Fire soldiers came into the room and you and Zuko glared at them. 

"The hunt for the Avatar had been given prime importance. All information regarding the Avatar must be reported directly to Admiral Zhao," one of the soldiers stated, showing a picture of Aang. 

"Zhao has been promoted? Well, good for him," Iroh smiled. 

"Yes, I am overtaken with joy," I rolled my eyes. It is pretty obvious why I am not a fan of Zhao. 

"I've got nothing to report to Zhao. Now get off my ship and let us pass," Zuko spat. 

"Admiral Zhao is not allowing ships in or out this area," The soldier stated. 

"OFF MY SHIP!" Zuko exploded, balling his fists. 

The soldiers left and Iroh smiled. 

"Excellent. I take the pot," he said happily as he took the money from the men he was playing Pai Sho with. 

"But you're all improving. I'm certain you will win if we play again."


It was a few hours later and you walked out on the deck to see Zuko practicing, but more aggressive than his usual aggressive way. 

"Is everything okay? It's been almost an hour and you haven't given the men an order" you asked, walking up to him. 

"I don't care what they do," he spat. 

"Don't give up hope yet. You can still find the Avatar before Zhao," you assured. 

"How (y/n)? With Zhao's resources, it's just a matter of time before he captures the Avatar. My honor, my throne, my country. I'm about to lose them all," he asked, stopping his practice and walking over to the rail, looking out into the distance.

 You stood next to him and looked out in the distance as well. 

"I know this is not coming from the guy who has stayed loyal to his search of the Avatar for three long years. You've managed to get this far. You really gonna let some pompous Admiral stop you?" you asked, turning to him with a smile.

𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐓𝐎𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑, 𝐳𝐮𝐤𝐨Where stories live. Discover now