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You Zuko, Iroh  were on the deck when suddenly, Iroh took a large sniff of air

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You Zuko, Iroh  were on the deck when suddenly, Iroh took a large sniff of air. 

"There is a storm coming. A big one," he stated, looking out in the distance. 

"You're out of your mind, Uncle. The weather's perfect," Zuko stated, walking down from his telescope to his uncle. 

"I'm gonna have to side with Zuko on this one. There's not a cloud in the sky," you chimed, pointing to the sky. 

"A storm is approaching from the north. I suggest we alter our course and head southwest," Iroh proposed. 

"We know the Avatar is traveling northward, so we will do the same," Zuko dismissed. 

"Prince Zuko, consider the safety of the crew," Iroh stated. 

"The safety of the crew doesn't matter," Zuko exclaimed. 

A group of crew members walked over, giving him a pissed look. 

"Finding the Avatar is far more important than any individual's safety," Zuko spelled out, getting into one crew member's face. 

He stormed off somewhere and you walked over to the group, an apologetic look on your face. 

"I assure you guys, he doesn't mean that. He's just a little on edge," you sighed.


And like Iroh predicted, a few hours later, large storm clouds had formed and were heading towards the ship. 

"Oh. Looks like your Uncle was right about the storm after all," Lin stated, his arms crossed. 

"Lucky guess," Iroh shrugged, smiling. 

"Lieutenant, you'd better learn some respect, or I will teach it to you," Zuko spat, walking over to Lin and poking his chest. 

He turned around, walking off, when Lin furrowing his eyebrows. 

You immediately knew where this was about to go.

You frantically waved NO at Lin. 

"What do you know about respect?" Lin spat back. 

Zuko stopped in his tracks and Lin continued. 

"The way you talk to everyone around here, from your hard-working crew to your esteemed Uncle, to the girl who brings you tea every night, shows you know nothing about respect," he growled. 

You turned to Iroh and he cringed, like he knew what was coming. 

This was definitely touching a nerve.

"You don't care about anyone but yourself, then again, what should I expect from a spoiled prince?" Lin finished. 

Your eyes went wide at his words and you facepalmed.

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