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A week later, you were fast asleep in your cell when someone began loudly talking

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A week later, you were fast asleep in your cell when someone began loudly talking. 

"Wake up!" you heard a familiar voice shout. 

'It's too early for this.'

You sleepily opened your eyes and turned to the door to see Zuko in the eye slot. 

"Listen, we're docking at a port where we can resupply for the rest of the journey. Try anything, and I will burn your face off," he threatened. 

You yawned and nodded your head, rubbing your eyes. 

He slammed the slot shut and you laid back down, almost immediately going back to sleep.

'He didn't have to tell me. What am I gonna do? I'm out-numbered 30 to 1 on this ship.'


You were awoken by Fire soldiers grabbing you, a little more aggressive than usual, and dragging you out your cell. 

"Huh? Hey! Easy!" you groggily exclaimed. 

You struggled against how roughly they were dragging until they threw you on the floor in a room. 

You looked up to see Iroh, Zuko, and a man you didn't recognize standing there. 

The man immediately grabbed you and pinned your arms behind your back. 

"Who is this?" The man asked. 

"Wow. Attacking my Uncle's chambermaid. That's low. Even for you, Zhao," Zuko spat. 

'Chambermaid? Why is he lying? What is happening?'

"Nice try. This girl was found in a cell. And last I checked, this boat has its own service quarters. So I ask again. Who is this?" Zhao smirked. 

Zuko and Iroh said nothing, glaring as Zhao's smirk grew. 

"Such a pretty girl," he said, stroking your cheek. 

"It'd be a shame if she got burned."  

He opened his hand and a fire appeared, eyes going wide.

He pressed it on the back of your neck and you screamed in pain, writhing and squirming to try and get away. 

"Stop! She knows where the Avatar is headed and is taking me there," Zuko quickly answered, Zhao pulling away his hand and letting your drop to the ground. 

'He wanted to...stop my pain? Why?'

You grimaced at the smell that now filled the room.

Burning flesh. 

"Hmm. A valuable asset. I shall be taking her," Zhao smiled, grabbing you back off the ground. 

𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐓𝐎𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑, 𝐳𝐮𝐤𝐨Where stories live. Discover now