We Need To Talk About Kevin: Part Three

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After You Escape Purgatory

You have three things on your agenda: Find Benny and bring him back to the land of the living, go to the doctor, and then find Sam and Joanna. After being in Purgatory for about a year, you managed to get out without so much as a scratch. You have your magic to thank for that, but the emotional and mental scars are still fresh. You've been through so much shit, especially after learning that you are, in fact, pregnant.

If you had to guess, you're three to four months pregnant, but you have to go to the doctor to make sure everything is okay. However, you have to find Benny's remains if you want to bring him back to Earth. He hitched himself a ride through Dean, through a spell he casted. He's riding in Dean's arm, so you need to release his essence all over his remains in order for the spell to work.

Castiel isn't with you because he got left in Purgatory. It broke your heart to know he was left behind, but you were the first one through the portal to Earth. You don't know what happened to him and Dean inside Purgatory, but all you know is that Dean doesn't want to talk about it and Castiel isn't here. You can only assume that Dean had to make the choice between saving himself and saving Castiel, and he chose himself.

You and Dean arrive at the cemetery in Maine where Benny says he was buried.

"I hope our baby is okay," you mutter and put a hand to your growing stomach.

"We'll find out soon enough."

You don't know what impact Purgatory had on your child, so you need to go to the doctor sooner rather than later to make sure. Dean finds Benny's headstone and starts to dig with his shovel while you watch.

"This better be you, you son of a bitch," Dean mutters.

When he reaches the bones in the grave, he rolls up his sleeve to reveal his reddened arm. Benny is in there, and he clearly wants out. Dean's arm glows bright red as his skin moves to represent Benny trying to get out.

"Alright, hold on, you bastard. Hold on!" Dean cuts his forearm across, holding his arm over the grave. Benny's essence falls from his arm and onto the bones as Dean begins reciting the spell. When he is done, Dean falls to the ground in pain. "Wow."

"Are you okay?" you ask.


You help him stand up and turn to see Benny standing there, fixing his sleeves on his overcoat.

"That was fast," you say.

"No thanks to you. The hell took you so long?"

"You're welcome," Dean rolls his eyes. Benny cracks his neck with a smile. "Everything working?"

"Good enough." Benny opens his mouth and lets his fangs descend before retracting them. "So, what now?"

"Like we talked about, I guess."

"Then this is goodbye. Y/N, take care of your kid, okay?"

"Of course," you smile.

"Keep your nose clean, Benny. You hear me?"

Benny walks to Dean and holds out his hand for him to shake, and Dean does.

"We made it, brother. I can't believe it."

Benny laughs and pulls Dean into a hug, and both men stay like that for a couple of moments.

"You and me both," Dean chuckles.

Dean and Benny part ways, and the vampire heads to do whatever he wants to do as a free man.

"Come on, Dean, we need to go to the doctor," you urge. "We can find Sam and Joanna after. A couple of more hours won't hurt."

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