Pac-Man Fever: Final Part

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You find your own way back to the Bunker where Sam and Dean are waiting eagerly for you. You give them the basic rundown but there is nothing more to give than that.

"So, no chance of a recovery?" Sam asks.

"No, and I don't think Charlie has accepted that. Did you two find something?"

"I think so. There was a John Doe from nine years ago. The original coroner wanted the body sent to the CDC, but the coroner's new assistant 'accidentally' ordered the body to be burned."

"New assistant?"

"Jennifer O'Brien."

"Son of a bitch."

"CDC never heard from Jennifer this time either. She faked the reports and burned the bodies to cover her tracks."

"So, why does she get sloppy again after nine years and start leaving the bodies where they can be found?" Dean asks.

"We need to go ask her. Where could she be?" you wonder.

"According to this, she owns two pieces of property in town. One two-bedroom house about ten minutes from here, and an abandoned shipping warehouse."

"Can you guess where she's at now?" you scoff.

Sam is forced to stay back again, but he doesn't complain this time. He knows it's useless if he tries to go up against you, and the kids seem to like spending time with their uncle. It takes thirty minutes to get to the abandoned shipping warehouse since you believe that's the place Charlie is being held.

You use your magic to break in, and you don't have to go far to look for Charlie. She is in the main room, tied to a chair with a blue handprint on her arm.

"Charlie! Hey!" You rush over to her and shake her, but she doesn't wake up. "Hey. Charlie."

"Figures I'd attract hunters here."

You turn to see Jennifer, and she lets her hair down for this fight. She rolls up her sleeves so she can use her powers on you, but you're not going to let her (as if she could). Dean stays where Charlie is, and you charge at the woman, knocking her down with your magic easily.

She gets back up and grabs your leg just as her tattoos appear on her skin and her eyes flash dark blue. She's confused as to why you're not falling for her charm, but all you do is smirk.

"Sapphire Witch beats Djinn," you say as your own eyes shine bright blue.

Before you have a chance to inflict damage, Dean rushes up to Jennifer and uses the silver blade to kill her. Jennifer gasps as the light in her eyes dies out, and she crumbles to the floor. Without her in your way, you rush over to Charlie to try and help her.

"Do you have the antidote?" you ask.

Dean gives it to her, but she still isn't waking up. When Dean was under a Djinn's spell when Sam escaped the Cage, he got an antidote for the poison. It worked on him instantly, but Charlie isn't waking up.

"What the hell's going on?"

"I don't know. Jennifer is a different Djinn, so maybe she needs a different antidote?"

"Charlie?" you ask and touch her forehead. "She's burning up, Dean. She's going to die if we don't save her."

"Okay, Djinn poison puts your brain in something like a feedback loop while your blood boils, right? If the antidote didn't break the loop, then maybe we can find a way to break it from the inside. I mean, if Djinn take you to your happy place, and your happy place is like a dream--"

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