LARP and the Real Girl: Part Two

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LARPing is nothing like you ever expected. You thought there would be a few people in costumes fighting it out with wooden swords, but this is a whole community of people. There are tents set up, props of all kinds scattered throughout the area, and everyone either in character or off to the side taking a break.

You've never felt so out of place than right here.

Joanna is holding onto your hand and walks next to you. You don't want her going anywhere that's not by your side because no matter how innocent this may seem, it's all very creepy to you. Still, Charlie is here somewhere, and you need to talk to her. Maybe she can help you or maybe she has no clue what's going on, but you won't know until you talk to her.

Renaissance music plays at this medieval-like camp. People in costumes pretend to fight with mock weapons, a woman plays a harp, and many others talk and stroll outside tents. Colorful banners bear various crests and signs point the way to the dungeon, privies and stockade. A large banner reads "Moondoor: The Battle of Kingdoms" right as you walk in.

You come across a scene where a man with large fake ears and comedic bad teeth that you'd find at the dollar store. This man's head is in a wooden pillory, but it's not locked since this is all pretend. There is another man standing off to the side, and they talk to each other as if they are the characters they play.

"I, Boltar the Furious," the man outside the pillory says, "bind you to this stock so that all of Moondoor may see you for what you are: a thief."

"My Shadow Orc brethren will descend from the Black Hills and the tents of Moo–" The man inside the pillory pauses when his teeth fall out of his mouth.

"Uh, hold!" Boltar says.

Everyone around them relax and begin talking to themselves since they are pausing their role-playing. Boltar picks up the fallen teeth and wipes them on his clothes before placing them back into the Orc's mouth.

"Thanks, Gerry. Sorry," he says to Boltar.

"Yeah, no problem, Monty," he nods.

Once Monty fels the teeth won't fall out again, he nods to Gerry who resumes the role-playing. Everyone stops talking and snaps back into character.


"And the tents of Moondoor will be bathed in blood as we unseat the queen of the Moons from the throne she stole from the rightful heir--the Shadow King. And you--"

Gerry throws a red bean bag at Monty's forehead.

"Silentium! Serve your time with honor, heathen. If you need to use the chamber pot, stomp your feet thrice."

Gery walks away, and you stare at Monty with a weird look on your face. Gerry walks past Sam and Dean, but the older Winchester stops him.

"Excuse me. Hi. You are a LARPer, yeah?"

"I prefer the term 'interactive literaturist'."

"Right. I am Special Agent Rosewood. This is Special Agent Taggart and Fry."

You three hold up your badges, and he does something that shocks you, but it doesn't seem to phase him in the slightest.

"Hold!" He puts down the hood of his costume and speaks with his everyday voice instead of his character's voice. "Um, guys, we're not doing the whole genre-mash-up thing this weekend. We only do that every third month."

"Excuse me?" you ask.

"Your fake badges and the cheap suits? It's very cool. I get it. Your characters are FBI agents that somehow traveled to Moondoor, but I'm telling you it's straight-up Moondoor this weekend."

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