Bitten: Part One

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You're pretty sure the kids in the abandoned house are the killers. You caught wind of the case when people started dying with their hearts missing. It seemed like a routine werewolf case, so the teenagers you suspect are about to get a real brutal beating from you three.

You break the lock with your magic and the brothers bust in first. As soon as the door was opened, you smelled the stench of blood. It is so strong that you consider not bringing Joanna in here. You look at her to see her face scrunched up because she smells it too. Along with the stench, music is flowing through the house at an above-normal volume, making you think someone else is here and wants to distract you.

"Are you okay?" you ask.

"Yeah," she nods.

"Good girl," you praise and bring her inside the house.

Apart from the stench, there is trash littered everywhere, and it's only until you get to the kitchen do you see the worst of it. You shield Joanna's eyes and turn her away so that she isn't seeing any of this horror. There is a dead body with a white sheet covering it, and blood/guts splattered all over the walls. Two dead people, but you distinctly remember three kids.

So, where is the third?

Dean heads upstairs while Sam checks the body. There could be the other kid around here somewhere, but you have a feeling the kid is long gone. Sam checks the body for some ID while Dean comes back to the kitchen. He removes the iPod from the dock, halting the music.

Now, only silence.

"The rest of the place is clear," Dean says.

"Yeah. No ID on this one, and no clue who is painted on the walls."

"Walls that will need to be covered," you state.

You raise one hand and your magic shoots out of it, layering on a thin coat--a coat that is thick enough to hide the horrors behind it. You'll release this magical hold once you're ready to leave the house. As soon as it's gone, you show Joanna that there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Well, whatever happened, looks like we missed it."

"Great," Sam sighs. He turns to leave when he spots something on a desk with computers. There is a half-open laptop with a post-it note that says "play me" stuck to the lid. "Check this out."

"What the hell could that be? Is that for us?" you ask.

Sam fully opens the lid, and you bring over another chair since there were only two of them by the desk. All three of you take a seat in front of it, and Sam plays the video. "This should never have ended this way" appears on the screen before the video starts.

"Ooh, movie time," you joke.

The screen goes black until you hear two guys talking.

"Hey, Christopher Nolan."


"Lens cap."

"Oh," the second man chuckled.

Someone took the lens cap off the camera, and you can see a young blonde man sitting at a table in a cafe. Whoever made this video are amateurs--this is a home video. This isn't going to be the best of qualities, but it might tell the story it needs to tell. The teacher you killed said two names before you killed him--Michael and Brian. You don't know who is who, but you're about to find out. The camera shifts so that it's pointing at the cameraman, a dark-haired man.

"Strong work, genius," the blonde said, taking back the attention.

"Michael, I have no idea what to make this movie about," the dark-haired man said to his friend. "I'm, like--I'm A/V Club President, so, you know, it's got to be good."

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