Blood Brother: Part One

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This is the third motel room you've broken into, and yet, there is still no sign of Kevin. He's been sending you on a wild goose chase ever since you started tracking him using his credit cards. If he's sending you all around the United States, you can bet that Kevin is on the other side of the country from where you are. He's smart, and he's making it known he doesn't want you finding him.

"Well, that is three times that he's burned us. Shame on you," Dean scoffs at his brother.

"No, no, no, no. I'm the one who said he set us up."

"No, you said, 'I wonder if Kevin is setting us up,' and then you started in with the techno babble. That was like two states ago."

"Yeah, well, whatever. Either way, that's another room billed to one of Kevin's false credit IDs, and the motel ran his number today."

"Just like he actually checked in?" you sigh.


"Kid's like Rain Man. He's like a shitty little credit-card-counting... criminal prodigy Rain Man," Dean rolls his eyes.

"Well, he was in advanced placement."

"Shut up."

"I can't keep running around the United States looking for him. I'm five months pregnant. I'm fucking tired," you sigh and sit on the bed.

"When's that little idiot gonna stop running from us?"

"I don't know, Dean. I mean, you did try to kill his mother," Sam says sarcastically.

"I was trying to kill Crowley, okay? Who happened to be wearing Kevin's mother at the time. There's a difference."

"Not to Kevin," you quip. "It's his mother."

Dean's phone rings and he looks to see who is calling before he answers it.

"Hold that thought. No, actually, you know what? Don't hold that thought." He answers it and places the phone to his ear. "Hello? Hello? Uh, hang on. There's not enough bars."

Dean makes eye contact with you before he leaves the motel room, and you groan when you get up from the bed.

"I forgot something in the car. Be right back."

You don't wait for Sam to say anything because you're already out of the door. Instead of going to the car, you head straight to Dean. He's far enough from the motel room that he's comfortable putting Benny on speakerphone. Dean is only like this whenever Benny calls, so you know something must have happened.


"Hey, Dean... Y/N. You, um, you got a minute? Afraid I messed up, buddy," Benny pants slowly.

It sounds like he's in pain.

"What happened? Are you okay?" you ask.

"What did you do?" Dean asks right after you.

"No, man, not like that. I got into it with a few vampires. Maybe a dozen or so."

"I'm sorry. You took on how many? Are you crazy?"

"See, the thing is, my legs aren't working so good. There's, uh... a fuel barge not too far from here. I'm pretty sure I can make it at a slow crawl. I was kind of hoping maybe I could ask you two for one more favor?"

"What do you need?"

"I need you to come to me. I'm in Portland. It would mean a lot if you two could come down here. You're the only people I trust."

"We're two hours from you. Think you can hang on until then?"


Dean hangs up on Benny before taking your hand and leading you back inside the motel room. Sam must have been watching since he's on you the minute the door closed.

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