LARP and the Real Girl: Final Part

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Gerry comes back with Monty, and the three of you are on your way. They know where they're going better than you do, so you let them take the lead. By this time, the sun had just set, so it's getting pretty dark in the forest. There are lanterns that they put up, but it's barely enough light to light your way.

"I swear, if anything's happened to her..."

"Dude, we checked all the tents. We'll talk to these guys. We'll find her," Sam assures his brother.

Gerry and Monty stop in a small clearing, telling you that this is the meeting place.

"Ca-caw! Ca-caw!" Monty caws like a bird.

"Ca-caw! Ca-caw!" a man says from inside the dark forest.

Three Shadow Orcs in cloaks walk into the clearing, carrying flashlights. The Shadow Orc in the middle has the Tree of Pain symbol on a crest in the middle of his shirt.

"Greetings, heretics," Gerry says.

"You should kneel before me, cur."

"Alright, why don't you let me--"

"Silence!" Gerry shouts, silencing Dean. "Now, before we exchange, a few announcements."

The Shadow Orc with the Tree symbol takes out his fake teeth and moves closer to Gerry.

"Um, there is a peewee-league soccer playoff game tomorrow on the alpha field. We don't want to freak out the mundanes, so we have to move the Battle of Kingdoms to the beta field."

Dean is sick and tired of this, so he removes his gun that he stashed into his costume.

"That's it. You know what? I'm gonna do this the old-fashioned way."

"Dean, don't," Sam tries, but it goes over his head.

"No, I'm--"

"I told you there are--"

"Shut up," Dean says to Gerry and raises the gun in front of the Shadow Orcs. "I need real answers. This is a real gun, see?"

Dean points his gun to the ground and shoots, scaring everyone there but you and Sam.

"This is so hot," you whisper so that only Sam can hear.

"Really?" Sam says, disgusted.

"Now, start talking. Where's the queen?!" Dean yells.

"I don't know!"

"Yeah, well, your little family crest there tells a different story, pal."

"This?" the Shadow Orc points to his chest. "I got sick last month after this thing just appeared." He takes off his right gauntlet and pushes up the sleeve of his right arm. There is the tree symbol on his arm like Ed and Lance had. "I thought it looked really cool, so I turned it into my family crest. I mean, after my dermatologist said it wasn't malignant."

"Dean, he's not our guy. He's just another victim," Sam says.

"My name is Max Hilby. I'm an attorney. I have no idea where the queen is, but if you let me go right now, I won't press charges. I promise." He takes off his fake ears and holds them with his gauntlet to Dean. "Take them. Please."

"Go. Go! Go!"

The three Shadow Orcs run away, scared of Dean. Your husband turns to face everyone else, all with different expressions on their faces.

"What?" He rolls his eyes in annoyance. "What?"

"Is the queen really in danger?" Monty asks, taking out his teeth. You and Dean nod simultaneously. "Okay, there was something odd down by the creek. It's this weird tent. It's not one of ours. It's kind of creepy."

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