Hunteri Heroici: Part One

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With Sam and Dean waiting by the car, you need to be quick so that you can get on the road. Castiel has Joanna, so you're not worried about a two-year-old running through the store and touching whatever she can get her hands on. She is officially potty training! You have to get her a portable toilet so you can train her while on the road. You still don't have a home base, so this is going to have to do.

After picking out the one you wanted, you pass by some bottles and extra nipples that you need since yours seemed to disappear after Joanna stopped using bottles. You grab a few of those before heading over to the cashier. After paying for them, you carry everything out of the store in bags except for the portable toilet. That's too big to fit in a bag.

Sam and Dean are across the street at the gas station, but you don't mind the walk. You need the exercise, even if it's for a little bit. Sam is talking on the phone with Ms. Tran while Dean is filling up his car. Castiel is holding Joanna as she tells him a story, and he's listening to her every word.

"Why did he do that?" he asks her.

"I dunno," she shrugs and goes back to storytelling.

Dean finishes filling up when he notices you trudging over with the stuff in your hands. He rushes over to you and grabs everything you're holding so he can put them in the trunk.

"I don't know why you didn't let me do this," he grumbles.

"I'm pregnant, not disabled. I can handle it."

You walk over to Joanna and Castiel, and you hold your arms out to signal to the angel that you need to put her in her car seat. He whispers something to her that causes her to giggle, and he hands her over to you. You open the back door of the Impala and strap her into her car seat. You kiss her head and shut the door once she isn't going anywhere.

"Right, yeah. No, just call us whenever you find something," Sam says to Ms. Tran.

Before she can talk his ear off, Sam quickly hangs up on her, glad that he doesn't have to talk to her. Ms. Tran is amazing, but she can be a handful sometimes.

"What's going on in Tran-land?" Dean jokes.

"Garth finally got them to his houseboat, but Kevin's having a lot of trouble reading their half of the tablet. So far, it's bits and pieces. Nothing about boarding up Hell."

"Garth has a safe-houseboat?"

"Dude, I don't even ask questions anymore."

"What's the word, Cas?"

"It's a shortened version of my name."

"Yes, it is. I meant what's the word on the Word? Any tablet chatter on angel radio?" Dean sighs.

"Oh, I couldn't say. I turned that off."

"You can do that?" you ask and lean against the side of the car.

"Yeah, it's a simple matter of blocking out certain subsonic frequencies. I could draw you a diagram if you want."

"No, that's--we're good. Why'd you flip the switch?" Dean asks with a shake of his head.

"Because it's a direct link to Heaven, and I don't want anything to do with that place... not anymore."

"So, what now? Move to Vermont and open up a charming B&B?"

You and Sam smile at his joke, but Castiel isn't so amused.

"No. I still want--need--to help people. So... I'm gonna become a hunter," he smiles widely. "I could be your fourth wheel."

"You know that's not a good thing, right?" Dean says.

"Of course it is. A fourth wheel adds extra grip and greater stability. I even found a case in Oklahoma City. A man's heart jumped ten feet out of his chest. It sounds like our kind of thing, right?"

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