What's Up, Tiger Mommy?: Part Three

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The motel room on the pawn slip isn't far from here, so it was only a ten minute drive from the pawn shop. When you got there, however, you don't think anyone was home. This place looks abandoned, and there are no cars near here that would suggest someone is staying in the room. Still, Sam knocks on the door to see if anyone is inside.

"Are you sure this is the right place?" Sam asks when he receives no answer.

"It's what the pawn slip says."


Everyone turns to face a man in a nice suit. This man clearly doesn't belong in a motel, so who the hell is he and what the hell does he want?

"Who wants to know?" Dean says protectively, stepping in front of Kevin and his mom.

"Oh, relax, Dean. I'm not going to steal your Prophet." He turns to Ms. Tran and grins. "Ah, and you must be Kevin's mother. Beau. It is my absolute pleasure. And, um, Kevin. Imagine my luck. Here I was, working so hard looking for you that I never stopped to think you might be looking for me. I have something for you."

"What is it?"

"An invitation, dear man, to a very exclusive auction," the stranger holds up an invitation card.

"Let me guess--where you'll be selling the tablet?"

"Well, when we acquire an item as hot as the Word of God, it's smart to unload it as fast as possible. We are in such desperate need of a headliner for tonight's gala."

"Well, I hope you have four extra tickets to your little eBay party, 'cause the Prophet's with us," Dean says.

"Oh, if you're worried about the safety of the Prophet, rest assured that we have a strict 'no casting, no cursing, and no supernaturally flicking the three of you against the wall just for the fun of it' policy."

"Is that right? How'd you manage that?" Sam asks.

"Well, I am the right hand of a God, after all--Plutus, specifically."

"Is that even a planet anymore?" Dean says sarcastically.

"It's the God of Greed. My liege has warded these premises against Hell, Heaven, and beyond--quite necessary with some of the players we see. Incidentally, quite possibly the safest place your precious Prophet could be. Well, since time is of the essence, perhaps I'll just go ahead and add a plus-four to the Prophet's invitation. Copacetic?"

Beau tosses the envelope into the air and disappears before it could descend to the ground.

"Well, thank you, Mr. Peanut!" Dean says into the air, grabbing the envelope. "Alright. What do we have to bid?" Sam scoffs, and Dean looks at him in annoyance. "What? We can't just show up there empty-handed."

"Dean, all we have to our names is a few hacked gold cards."

"Alright. Well, then, we're gonna have to get creative."

Sam looks at the Impala, but Dean is quick to shut that idea down before it develops.

"No. Mnh-mnh. Say it and I will kill you, your children, and your grandchildren," Dean threatens, shocking Sam.

"Okay, okay. Uh... Wait a second. These auctions display the items to the bidders beforehand, right? All we have to do is get Kevin close enough to memorize the spell."

"What do you think, brainiac? Think you can swing it?" Dean asks.

"Of course, he can swing it... if the bumper stickers on my Previa mean anything," Ms. Tran grins.

Everyone heads to the Impala, but Dean stays by her side and whispers to her, but you hear everything he says.

"It's okay, baby, he didn't mean it."

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