LARP and the Real Girl: Part One

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Joanna is at that age where she is mimicking you and Dean. You have to be careful what you say, what you do, and how you react around her. She is becoming bolder and more confident in what she says and how she acts. She takes after Dean, for sure, but you see your confidence start to shine through in her.

Most people dread the terrible twos, and you know something is just beginning to creep up behind you. The best thing you can do is to teach her not to throw tantrums or to ask politely for something, but it doesn't always stick in her head. She is still learning, no matter how slow it may seem.

You're trying to make her lunch, but she thought it was a good idea to scream her tiny head off. She is sitting on her booster seat at the kitchen table while Dean is trying to read some files he gathered for a potential case. He doesn't look bothered, but if Joanna continues, he will have a headache. Sam is somewhere else in the cabin, but you don't care about him right now.

"Jo, please stop screaming," he says.

"She wants her food. I told her to be patient, so that's what she'll have to do," you shrug.

You quickly place the food on her plate before setting it in front of her. She raises her arm as if she is going to hit you, but you quickly shut that down before it becomes a problem.

"No. We do not hit people," you say in a stern voice. She whines and tries to wiggle out of your grasp, but you're not letting up. "Hitting people is wrong. It is not something you do."

She begins crying, but you roll your eyes in slight irritation.

"You are being dramatic." You wipe her tears and push the plate closer to her. "You are fine. Eat your food." She knows she is being dramatic, so she stops crying to eat her food. "She gets this from you, you know."

"What did I do?" Dean says.

You shake your head and leave the kitchen to do some other chores you need to finish before heading out. You head to the laundry room where Sam is there, taking out the dry clothes and folding them. He's been doing all of your chores lately as a way to say he's sorry. You hate the drama between you and the brothers, and all you want to do is forget about it and move on.

"You don't have to do that," you say.

"Yeah, I do."

"No, you don't," you sigh. You walk into the laundry room and grab an article of clothing to fold. "You made a mistake. As long as it doesn't happen again, I can overlook it. The twins are fine."

"I will never do something like that again. I promise. If I have a problem with you, then I will make sure to talk about it with you first."

"Sounds like a plan," you smile.

"Hey! You two! Come out here!" Dean calls from the living room. You and Sam leave the laundry where it is to join Dean in the living room who is on the phone with someone. "Yeah, I got it. Thanks."

"Who was that?"

"Garth. We need to lose the GPS on our phones because he's been tracking us and other hunters to assign cases to."

"Total Bobby move," Sam chuckles. "Did you find something for us?"

"It's close to where we are in Farmington Hills, Michigan. A dude got ripped from limb to limb inside his locked apartment."

"That's never good," you sigh.

"Maybe after this, we should take a couple of nights off and go see a flick or maybe hit a bar or two. You know, have some fun," Dean suggests. "You remember fun, don't you, Sammy?"

"Let's focus on this case. As long as we're waiting on Kevin, that'll be our fun."

Dean rolls his eyes, but you don't comment on this. You know Sam gave up a lot when he ditched his girlfriend to hunt with you and Dean, so you're not going to make a bigger deal out of this than it is. You quickly finish the laundry while Joanna finishes eating, and then all four of you are on the road headed to Michigan.

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