Trial and Error: Part Two

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It wasn't a fun driver since you needed to stop to pee for practically every hour, but you eventually made it early the next day. Joanna is still sleeping when you arrive, but she woke up when Dean lifted her from her car seat. She whines at being woken up, but she lays her head on his shoulder and goes right back to sleep.

This property is very beautiful and very large. It's a farm, so it must be around four hundred acres if it's in the average range. Even the house looks like a mansion, and from the front parking area, you can see a stable with beautiful horses and other farm animals. If you weren't here on a job, you would have loved to live in a place like this.

"Alright, keep an eye out. Anybody with a Hellhound on their ass is gonna be showing the usual signs like hallucinating and freaking out."

"What if we find someone?" you ask.

"You get them away, and I kill Fido," Dean grins, showing the demon-killing knife. You three walk up the long driveway to the house, but you see a big tractor off to the side with a person underneath it trying to fix it. "Hey, pal, who runs this joint?"

A young, pretty Hispanic woman with long braided hair slides out from underneath the tractor. It's clear Dean didn't expect someone like her to be working on a tractor, but you appreciate the hard work she is clearly putting in.

"You're looking at her," she says with a bit of an accent.

"You own the ranch?" you ask.

"No, I manage the property. You three here about the job?"

You didn't know what kind of story Sam and Dean were going to come up with to convince the owner that you need to be here, so this is the perfect opportunity to stay on the property and keep a close eye on the occupants.

"How'd you guess?" Dean chuckles, going with the flow.

"We get our share of drifters. Though, not usually pregnant ones. Have you three ever worked a farm before?"

"Definitely," Dean says, but the woman raises one of her eyebrows in suspicion.

"We're quick learners," Sam says.

"Ellie, who do we have here?" a man says as he approaches the group.

So the woman's name is Ellie, but who is this man? He must be one of the owners of the property.

"I'm Dean. This is Sam, Y/N, and Joanna."

"Carl Granville. A pleasure."

"You're not a Cassity?"

"No, my wife is. Her and her family own the place. I'm just one of those, what you call them," he pats his somewhat pudgy belly, "trophy husbands." He expected you all to laugh, but when he doesn't get the response he wants, he moves on. "Are we hiring them?"

"Not sure yet."

"Come on, these folks seem sweet."

"Well, he's right. We're swell," Dean smiles sweetly.

Ellie doesn't see a problem in hiring you three, but she looks at Joanna and she has a look of uncertainty.

"We have a nanny here for when the Cassity's nieces and nephews visit if you would like your daughter to stay with her?"

"I really appreciate the offer, but I'd like it if she were to stay with me," you say before Dean has a chance to say anything.

"Of course. Follow me."

Ellie escorts you to a small building next to the barn where bedrooms are, and you're assuming that you're staying in here for the time being.

"You sleep down in here. Breakfast is at 5:00 am, dinner is at 8:00 pm, and in between, you're mine. Questions?"

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