Clip Show: Part Two

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Your phone rings, and you answer it after seeing Castiel's name on it. This will upset Dean even more, so you step off to the side to answer it.

"Is everything okay?" you ask. "How are the kids?"

"Protected. I'm damaged, sure, but I can protect your kids."

"What do you need, then?"

"What does Dean like? I'm at the store and figured I can have food waiting by the time you three get home."

"Oh, that's very nice of you. Well, he loves cherry or apple pie. Beer is his go-to drink, but he loves an expensive whiskey. He loves cheeseburgers, so if you get the ingredients, I can make them when we get home. He loves bacon. Maybe get him a porn magazine or two. He loves that stuff."

"Thank you."

"Hey, would it be possible to do that thing you did on my ribs to my kids'? If monsters wanted to get to me, they'd go through them. I don't want anyone finding them."

"Yes, of course. I'll make sure it's as painless as possible."

"Thank you, Castiel. You're one of the good ones," you whisper.

"I appreciate that."

"I'll call you later," you say when you see Father Thompson coming back.

Once you have everything in hand, it's back to the Bunker you go. However, when you get there, Castiel and the kids are nowhere to be found.

"Castiel? Joanna?" you call out.

"Great, you left our kids in the hands of a psycho person and now they're gone. Are you happy now?" Dean says angrily.

"Don't panic just yet. They're probably out. Castiel did call me saying he was picking up food... eight hours ago."

"Can't we have another angel track them?" Sam offers.

"What other angel do we know?"

"I kind of asked Castiel to brand their ribs like ours so they couldn't be traced," you say slowly.

"Fucking unbelieveable. That's just awesome, Y/N."

"Dean, you need to calm down. I feel them, okay? My magic connects to them. They are alive and well. I'd feel it if they were hurt or--"

You stop yourself from saying that word. Seconds later, your kids appear in the Bunker without Castiel. He must have dropped them off and gone to someplace else. Dean rushes to his kids and brings them in his arms, kissing both of them.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes Daddy. We went shopping," Joanna grins.

"See? They're fine," you breathe a sigh of relief.

"For now."

You three look through the boxes for something that's usable.

"You think Cas blew town?" Sam asks.

"Sounds like him." Dean looks through a box and finds a tape recorder taped to a journal. "It turns out that Father Thompson recorded all of his demon-cure tests. This one here was the last one--two days before he died."

Dean plays the recording for everyone to hear.

"The date is August 3, 1958. This is trial nineteen, hour one. My subject is Peter Kent. Mr. Kent is the father of two young sons, and three weeks ago, he was possessed by a demon. I'm going to ask you a question now. When you crawled into Mr. Kent and ate his children, how did it feel?"

"Orgasmic," the demon snarls.

There is some struggle, and the demon groans in pain.

"The first dose has been administered."

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