Pac-Man Fever: Part One

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You're picking out Joanna's outfit to wear when she throws her shirt on the ground in protest.

"Baby, you're not going out there without a shirt on."

"I don't wanna wear that one."

"Okay, which one do you want to wear?"

Joanna rushes to her closet and yanks on the bottom of a bright pink unicorn shirt that won't match her bright yellow pants she picked out. At this point, you don't care what she wears as long as she wears it.

"Okay, go put your pants on."

You grab the shirt while she runs back to her bed where her pants are. She struggles to put them on, but she manages just fine. There is no zipper or button, just an elastic band that fits around her waist. You grab her to help her with her shirt, but she wiggles away from you.

"Jo, let me help you put this on."

"No!" she giggles and grabs the shirt away from you.

She runs out of the room in search of her dad. With a shake of your head, you go to Maryann's room which is across the hall from Joanna's. Maryann is cooing from inside her crib, and she smiles when she sees you. She lifts her arms as if she wants to be held by you.

"Come here, my angel."

You pick her up and kiss her nose, leaving her room without looking at Robert's door. You take her to the library where you see Dean on his laptop. He has cameras up that you hacked into so he can try and find Kevin. No word has popped up regarding him, and you don't want to call his mother because she may not even know he is missing.

Joanna comes running around the corner without a shirt on, holding her shirt in her hand.

"Daddy, I need help."

Dean smiles when he sees her, and he grabs the shirt from her hands.

"Pink and yellow, huh? Was this Jo's decision?" Dean asks you.

"All her. She doesn't want my help."

"Come here, sweetheart." Dean pulls her close and helps her into her shirt, ruffling her hair when he's done. "All better."

"Thank you," she says and runs off.

"Here is child number two."

Dean takes Maryann from your arms, smiling at her in a way a dad does. Maryann giggles and reaches out for Dean, but her tiny arms can't quite reach his face. He pulls her in close and gives her a raspberry on her clothed stomach, and she laughs loudly. Joanna looks over at her dad giving her sister some love that she becomes jealous.

"My turn!" she says and tries to climb onto her dad's lap.

Dean helps her all the way so that both of his girls are lying in his arms.

"My girls," he says lovingly.

Seeing this tugs on your heart strings, but the moment doesn't last for long. Sam stumbles in seconds later looking like a complete mess. His hair is frizzy, his eyes are red, his skin is pale, and he looks sick.

"Man, I'm telling you, give me five minutes with some clippers," Dean half-jokes.

"Shut up. What time did I lay down?"

"Noon... yesterday," you say.

Sam walks to the chair, but he stumbles slightly. He catches himself on the back of the chair, but you and Dean both see it.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm gonna get dressed. We should go find Kevin."

He turns to leave but stumbles again, and you catch him this time so he doesn't fall.

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