Everybody Hates Hitler: Part One

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Henry died to protect whatever was inside the box, and it's your responsibility to figure out where the key leads. It's a key that unlocks something, and after extensive research, Sam figured out just what this key unlocks. There is a Men of Letters Bunker that is hidden away with the only access being with the key.

You're not sure what you're expecting the place to look like, but when Dean arrives, you're shocked at how big the place is. There is an industrial sized building with the front entrance on the side of some rocks. This place resides in Lebanon, Kansas, and you're not sure why you haven't come across this before. You and the Winchesters were born and raised in Lawrence, Kansas which is only a three hour drive from here.

Still, this whole massive place is left to you three to make it your own home.

Joanna walks beside you and holds your hand as you three approach the small door hidden on the side of some rocks. The Bunker appears to be a two-story building above ground level, so why is this still hidden? There doesn't seem to be any damage caused by bored teenagers trying to vandalize a place, so what makes this place so special?

"When's the last time somebody was in this place?" Dean asks.

"Sixty-five, seventy years ago."

Dean opens the intricate box and removes the only key that unlocks the place. You three walk down the very short flight of stairs that lead to the front door. Dean uses the key to unlock the door, and you head inside. It's very dark and musty, but that's to be expected for a place that hasn't had occupants since the fifties. Sam and Dean take out their flashlights to see, but you use your magic to create a soft blue glow around you to light your way.

You're on a metal landing that is attached to metal stairs leading down into the lower level. There is 1950s-style communications equipment everywhere. You leave Joanna with her father as you descend down the stairs, carefully looking at everything there is to offer.

"Look at this. Ham radio, telegraph, and a switchboard. This was their nerve center," you gasp.

"Henry did say that they ran dispatch on their own team of hunters."

You see an electric box that when opened reveals switches that may power on this Bunker. You shove the biggest lever in the on position, causing all the lights to turn on. The entire Bunker is on display for you to see, and you're amazed at what you see.

"Son of a bitch," Sam laughs.

The room you're in has a table with a map of the world on top of it. Dean picks up Joanna and heads downstairs with Sam to join you. You three walk into the next room where there is a massive library with tables, chairs, and little trinkets such as swords and other awards to display.

"Sammy, Y/N, I think we found the Bat Cave," Dean says with a grin. Seeing this entire Bunker to yourselves brings tears to your eyes that don't go unnoticed by your husband. "What's wrong?"

"We finally have a home," you sniffle.

You want to go exploring this unknown Bunker, so you let Joanna stay with Dean and Sam while you went off on your own. The first room you explore is the room right above the metal staircase. It kind of looks like a war room, if you're being honest, so that's what you're going to call it. The walls are decorated in Art Deco style with wall sconces and metalwork decorations. The frieze around the walls contains hidden symbols, sigils, and Devil's traps. At every doorway, there is a symbol which you'd assume would be the next line of defense if a demon breaks in.

Next is the library where Sam is geeking out. The library walls are covered with bookcases and filing cabinets containing many files collected over centuries. You can only imagine the kind of information that has been collected over the centuries here. At the end of the library is an alcove housing a large telescope. You're not sure of the purpose of it, but you're excited to find out.

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