We Need To Talk About Kevin: Final Part

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Depressing memories aside, you have to focus on getting to Channing Ngo's college dorm since she might know where Kevin is. It's a long shot, but you don't have any other leads right now. As soon as you were well rested, you got to the college dorm where Channing let you in once she knew you weren't total strangers. Well, you were, but as soon as she heard Kevin's name, she let you in.

There's something about her that is off, but you can't quite put your finger on it.

"The last time I saw Kevin was, like, a year ago," Channing divulges.

"When he disappeared?"

"Yeah. He stole his mother's car because he thought he was on a mission from God or something. It was crazy."

"Shut up!" Channing's roommate gasps. "My friend Adam got addicted to Adderall but got a perfs on his SATs, so it was totally worth it--it's the same thing."

"Shut up!" Channing gasps back.

"Seriously. Mission from God."

"Look, Channing, we know Kevin was here," you interrupt.

"No, he wasn't."

"We understand if you're trying to protect him, but nobody can protect Kevin better than we can," Sam tries.

"I hate Kevin. I wouldn't protect him."

"I thought you two had a thing."

"Yeah, when he was going to Princeton."

"Wow, just like that?" you ask.


"Okay, well, thank you," you say and leave.

You don't want to be here any more than you have to, so you quickly leave the dorm with the brothers.

"So, why would Kevin come sniffing around here if not to see her?" you ask.

"No idea. Maybe we should split up, ask around, see if anybody's seen him?" Sam suggests.

"Yeah, Asian kid, yay high, at a university. That should be easy," Dean scoffs.

"Who do you want to go with, Joanna? Mommy or Daddy?"

"Daddy!" she smiles.

"Of course," you chuckle.

Dean leans down and picks her up, and she cuddles into his chest and rests her head on his shoulder.

"I'm the better parent," Dean teases, sticking his tongue out to you.

"Fine, but don't come crying to me when she throws a fit."

You and the brothers go your separate ways, talking to people who might know where Kevin went. You don't have a good description of him to begin with, but you don't have any luck with anyone. After about an hour of asking kids, you decide to head back to the brothers and see what they got.

Sam is sitting on some concrete table with a built-in umbrella next to an outdoor cafeteria. You approach the table just as Dean comes back with some food that he ordered. Joanna is sitting with Sam and enjoying the snacks you packed her, and Dean hands you food as soon as you sit down.

"Thank you," you smile and unwrap your burger.

"Really?" Sam asks, looking at the meal you and Dean have.

"You had no idea what we had to eat over there, Sam. This is pure heaven right now," you moan after you've taken a bite.

"Check this out. So, I went through campus security archives around the time Kevin should have been here. Anyone look familiar?"

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