Southern Comfort: Part Two

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It's time to talk to Mary, the wife, who is still in the hospital. They have her cuffed to the bed so she doesn't hurt anyone else, and because of that, you don't want to bring Joanna into her room. Garth is so good with her, that you're more than okay having him watch her.

"Would you watch Jo for me? Sam, Dean, and I can talk to Mary," you unconsciously give your daughter a nickname--just like your friend.

"Of course. Come here, Joanna," he smiles widely.

You hand over your daughter and go inside Mary's room with the brothers.

"Mrs. Lew, can you tell us what happened?" Sam asks.

"I was at the store getting groceries, and the next thing I know, my son Scott finds me in the driveway. Chester was..." She can't finish her sentence because it's too traumatic for her.

"Do you remember anything at all about what happened?" you wonder.

"Not really. Bits and pieces, I guess. I remember his screams... the smell of burnt rubber, and I remember feeling so angry--just uncontrollable rage like I wasn't myself. After it was over, all that anger was just gone."

"Ma'am, does the word 'Alcott' mean anything to you?" you ask.

Mary clenches her hands into fists and tugs at the handcuffs, not being able to break away from them.

"What does she have to do with anything?" she says with such poison."

"Alcott is a she?"

"My husband, Chester, and I were going steady in high school for a few years already when we had a big fight. It was something stupid, I'm sure. It was around prom, and so he took Sara Alcott as his date instead of me."

"So, Sara Alcott was a rival for your husband's affections?"

"Sara had one night with him, whereas I was with Chester for thirty-seven years," Mary starts to cry.

"Of course, right. Just one more question. Is Ms. Alcott still alive?" Sam asks gently.

"As far as I know, yes."

"Thank you very much, Mrs. Lew."

You and the brothers leave her hospital room, letting Garth continue to hold Joanna since she seems happy to be in his arms. Only when you're out of earshot from anyone do you talk about the case.

"Let me get this straight. This poor guy went to prom with some girl over thirty years ago, and because of that, he is now a pancake?" Dean asks.

"I mean, if this is a ghost, maybe it's some sort of possession?"

"What are you talking about? You heard her. Alcott's alive."

"Well, we're definitely gonna want to talk to her," you state.

"Yeah, sounds like a plan. Did we eat yet?"

It's like Dean to always be thinking about food. You often tease him when you make him choose between food or sex. It always leaves him a blubbering mess, but it brings a smile to your face. There is a bar right down the street from the hospital, so you head over there to grab a bite.

There is an open table by the window, and once the waitress brings a high chair for Joanna, you begin ordering. There aren't a lot of people here, so the food comes out rather quickly. You have Joanna's food in your baby bag, but she doesn't want any of that. As soon as she sees Dean's food, she whines for it. She reaches out for it, but her arms are too short to grab anything.

"Daddy," she whines.

"You want some of my food?"


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