Trial and Error: Part Three

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The Cassitys are in the dining room with food all around them. As soon as you see Sam, you grin at his attire since he is dressed nicely for this fake job.

"Look how handsome you are in your uniform."

Sam's ears turn red at the compliment, but he doesn't say anything about it. You two grab the alcohol bottles and head back into the room. Margot is pushing her food around sadly while everyone else is eating and drinking. Sam walks over to Cindy and pours her some more, but she isn't happy with the amount he gives her.

"Really? Keep it coming, Ken doll."

Ellie walks in and takes the plates away, ignoring Noah's stares.

"Al, I'm so sorry about Carl. I mean, he was the love of your life," Margot says.

"Please, she can do better," Noah scoffs.

"Maybe Alice should marry a child--take after her father," Cindy bites back.

"Ivanka's not a child."

"Right. She's a prostitute who looks like a child."

"Are you done? Alice is in mourning," Margot says.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Margie. I didn't see you there. You're too far up on your high horse. You are right, we should all take a minute and say a few words about Carl. You first. Was he a good lay?" Cindy smirks at Margot.

"What?" Alice says.

You look at Sam and Ellie who tries their hardest to stay out of it.

"Oh, you didn't know? Yeah, daddy caught them going at it in the barn."

"Al, it was before you two got together. I mean, Carl loved you," Margot says to Alice who couldn't seem to care less.

"Yeah, that was back when Margie was fat and Cin was sober, a long time ago," Noah smirks.

"Get cancer and die, old man," Cindy says bitterly.

"You first, sweetie," Noah says sarcastically.

You quickly leave the dining room to join Ellie and Sam in the kitchen, but you can still hear them bickering in the next room over. You set the almost empty alcohol bottle on the counter and take a deep breath. Suddenly, you don't feel too well to the point where you might throw up.

"Are they always like this?" Sam asks Ellie.

"More or less."

"How can you work here?"

"I love the property, I love the animals, and I tune out the people."

Ellie leaves, and you grab another bottle to serve when you get one of the worst headaches you've gotten. Black spots fill your vision, and you get a bit lightheaded. The bottle in your hand slips and falls to the counter, but it doesn't break. Sam rushes over to you and picks up the bottle before attending to your needs.

"Are you okay? Is it the babies?"

"It's my head. It hurts, Sam," you whimper.

You look up and see Amara standing in the doorway between the kitchen and the living room.

"You really need to tell Dean this, Y/N."

"Yeah, I will after this. God, it hurts."

Sam holds you against him and rubs your head to help alleviate the pain. After a few minutes, it has calmed down enough for you to continue your work. It still hurts, but not as bad as before. You pull away from Sam with a nod and grab the same bottle before heading into the living room.

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