A Little Slice of Kevin: Final Part

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"Cas, can we talk to you for a second?" Dean says, breaking you from your thoughts.

You, Dean, and Castiel walk off to the side away from Sam who is by the car to watch Joanna and Zeus.


"Exactly. What? What the hell happened in Purgatory? I told you I would get you out. We were there! It was like you just gave up. It's like you didn't believe we could do it. I mean, you kept saying that you didn't think it would work. Did you not trust me?"

You would agree, but you were the first one through the portal. You're not sure what happened after you left.


"I did everything I could to get you out--everything! I did not leave you."

"So, you think this was your fault?"

Dean doesn't have a chance to answer before Ms. Tran is screeching up to the meeting place. She parks in front of the Impala and gets out of her car.

"You can do this, can't you? Can you get him back?" she gets right down to business.

"How did Crowley find you?" you ask and head over to her.

"Oh, I hired a witch and she ratted us out."

"A witch? Why would you do that?"

"To make demon bombs, of course! These are Kevin's notes," she hands over Kevin's notes to Sam.

"Do you have any idea where Crowley took him?"

"No, but," she unlocks the trunk of the car and opens the top revealing a man tied up with a devil's trap etched on the inside of the roof, "this guy might."

He sees you, Sam, and Dean and his eyes turn black as the night. Dean chuckles and takes out his demon-killing knife and lets the moonlight glint off it.

"Let's talk."


Dean did a good job in getting the information out of the demon. You didn't even have to use your magic on him. Crowley is residing in an abandoned warehouse/factory with Kevin and seven other people inside. You and Ms. Tran are about to get out of her car when Sam takes out handcuffs and handcuffs Ms. Tran to her steering wheel. Dean and Castiel appear next to the car since they took the Impala.

"Sorry, Ms. Tran."

"Wait, what?! My son is in there!"

"Which means Crowley already has leverage. He doesn't need another hostage."

"Oh, come on!"

You get out of the car and are about to join them when Dean turns to you with a solemn look on his face.

"You're staying here too."

"What? Dean, you're going to need me."

"I don't want to hear it, Y/N. You're staying here with Ms. Tran."

He doesn't leave any room for argument as he and the two other men turn to head into the warehouse. You glare at the back of Dean's head. Who is he to tell you whether you can or cannot join him? Sure, you're pregnant, but you got chased by ghouls because of Crowley at six months! You can easily kill some demons.

"Are they serious right now?" Ms. Tran asks.

"Okay, I have a plan. Here's what we're going to do."

Castiel manages to get them inside easily even through locked doors. They pass a sign that reads "Beware: Sharp Edges--Keep Fingers Clear". As they pass the sign, Dean spots a demon, and immediately backs everyone up to not alert him. The demon approaches the corner, and Dean stabs his chest before making himself known, watching as the skeleton of the demon flashes orange. The demon falls to the ground, and Castiel moves the body out of the way to keep it hidden.

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