Torn and Frayed: Part One

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It didn't take much for you to find Sam, and when you did, you and Dean made sure to rush over there as fast as possible. You're fucking pissed at him for what he did to you, and you're going to make him pay for it. How dare he drug you in order to work a case against you? He should know that if he comes between you and your kids or puts your kids at risk, then you're going to be his walking nightmare.

Dean parks in front of the motel Sam's been staying at, and you get out angrily. Zeus stays in the car as Dean grabs his daughter since he doesn't know how long you'll be inside. The windows are down and it's a cool night, so you're not worried about Zeus overheating anyway. Plus, with the way things you know will go, you know you're not staying long.

It takes Sam five seconds to open the door, and when he sees it's you, he immediately tries to explain himself. You don't wait for his explanation because you're already throwing a magical ball into his stomach, causing him to fly across the room and topple over the double beds.

You walk inside the room with fire in your eyes, not planning on stopping anytime soon. Sam scrambles to his feet after the blow, but you're not done. You slam another ball of magic into his stomach, and he doubles over in pain.

"How dare you inject me with something that could have harmed my kids!" you yell.

"It was safe for pregnant women! I did my research," he says as if that makes it all okay.

Without thinking, you rear your flat hand back and slap him across the cheek as hard as you can. The noise is so loud you think you broke his jaw, but you can see that you didn't.

"I had to go to the doctor to make sure everything was okay. I am six months pregnant. I don't deserve this shit!"

Dean pulls you away by your shoulders so he can have a hit at his brother for messing with his kids. Sam's nose is bleeding and his cheek is bright red, but that doesn't stop Dean from punching his brother as hard as he can. Sam falls to the ground, but he takes it without fighting back.

"I can't fucking believe you, Sam," Dean growls. "That's my wife and my kids you're messing with."

Sam groans in pain and reaches for a nearby towel to wipe the blood off his face. He keeps it by his nose because he knows it's bleeding.

"I'm sorry, Y/N."

"Oh, save it," you growl angrily.

"Look, I wouldn't have done what I did if you two would have just backed off."

"I told you Benny wasn't killing. Hell, I watched him end the fangbanger that was!" Dean shouts.

"How about Martin? How did that end for him?"

"Stupid, just like I said it would. Crazy son of a bitch didn't give Benny a choice. It was self-defense."

"Seriously, Dean? That's the story you're going with? That the vampire was the real victim here?" Sam scoffs and tosses the bloody towel onto the bed.

"Hey, like it or not, that's the truth, okay? There was a time when that actually meant something."

"Yeah, yeah, no kidding."

"What does that mean?"

You can't even look at Sam, so you turn to your daughter who is staring up at you. Instead of picking her up, you bend down to her level. She wraps her tiny arms around your neck, and you pull her in close for a much-needed hug.

"You think this is just about Benny?"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"What the hell do you think I'm talking about?" Sam says angrily.

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