What's Up, Tiger Mommy?: Final Part

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"Crowley," Sam growls.

Crowley flings his arms out and sends Sam and Dean flying into the walls behind them. You hold Joanna close and step back as if distancing yourself will make you invisible to everyone in the room. Zeus barks twice but stays by your side to protect you.

"No. You can't. My warding spells!" Plutus states.

"Your girl Friday showed me a few loopholes," Plutus looks at Beau who just smiles and shrugs, "and all it cost me was an island in the South Pacific. I love a bargain."

Beau stabs Plutus from behind, killing him instantly. Crowley grabs the bloody side of the stake and pulls it through Plutus' chest, watching as he goes down. He then hurls it at the guard protecting Kevin. Poor guy must be so scared.

"Can't do all my tricks, but I can do enough."

"Get out of her!" Kevin yells.

While Crowley is busy with Kevin, you rush over to Sam and Dean to release them from his hold. You touch both of their legs, and they drop to the ground soundlessly. If they did make any sound, then Crowley wasn't paying attention to it. Dean rushes over to the box with all of his weapons, grabbing the most important one--the demon-killing knife. Crowley picks up the Word of God, but Sam tackles him to the ground before anything could happen. You and the brothers rush over to Kevin and stand in front of him, showing Crowley he has to go through all three of you if he wants to get to Kevin.

"Getting in touch with your feminine side, huh, Crowley?" Dean asks.

"Something like that," he smirks.

"Well, come and get him."

Crowley looks at Kevin from behind you three before shrugging.

"One out of two ain't bad."

He books it out of the room, but Dean isn't going to let him leave that quickly.

"Stay here," he orders you. "Watch the kid!"

You don't argue as he runs out of the room wielding the demon-knife. You have to keep Kevin in here if he is going to end up killing his mom to get to Crowley. Kevin starts to run after his mom, but Sam is quick to stop him.

"Kevin, don't! Let Dean take care of it."

You look around the room and notice Beau is still there, but he's taking a gun out of his jacket to use on Sam. Zeus barks manically at the man, but you keep him by your side just as you put a forcefield up to protect you and your kids.

"Sam, move!" Kevin yells.

The young man pushes the younger Winchester out of the way just as Beau shot the gun, obviously missing. Both he and Kevin duck for cover as you cower in the corner, away from the action. You'd help if Joanna and Zeus weren't here. You look at Sam to make sure that he is okay when you see the man who took Thor's hammer since he was still in the room when Beau decided to shoot.

Kevin tries to run after his mom, but Beau points his gun at Kevin to prevent him from going any further.

"Don't! You know what's better than one private island? Two private islands."

Just then, Sam comes out of his hiding place when Beau is preoccupied with Kevin. He has Thor's hammer in his hands and swings it at Beau, killing him instantly with a bolt of lightning. Your mouth drops open slightly as your forcefield is lowered since the threat has been removed. Kevin takes this opportunity to leave the room, but you're focused on how good Sam looks with the hammer in his hand.

"Okay. Give it back. Give it back," the older man says.

Sam is about to hand it back when he pauses.

"Where'd you get the 5/8 of a virgin?"

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