Chapter 2

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It shows to morning as Kaede was seen still sleeping in bed as a gloved hand was see is running down the side of face and neck

Alistra: Oh darling, time to wake up~

Kaede stirred as he sat up and stretched

Alistra: good morning

Kaede:morning Alistra

Alistra: how did you sleep

Kaede:I slept well what about you?

Alistra: I slept better

Kaede:and it's because of me correct?

She nods

Kaede:glad to have helped you sleep better

Alistra: so am I

Kaede then stood up and stretched again

Alistra: what are you gonna today

Kaede:I don't know yet

Alistra: well I'm gonna go and meet my friend Rosie

Kaede:mind if I join?

Alistra: this is between me and her, sorry

Kaede:oh ok then

Alistra: I'll see you soon ok?

Kaede:ok I'll see you around *he said as he walked towards the door*

Alistra: forgetting something~?

Kaede: *he turned back towards her* what?

She tap her lips

Kaede: oh you want me to kiss you?

she nods

Kaede:o..ok *he walked over to Alistra removed his mask and kissed her on her lips*

Alistra: thank you darling~

Kaede:y...your welcome Alistra

Later Kaede was seen walking down the street as he looked to see a pet shop

Kaede:hmmm? A pet shop?

He walk in, Kaede looked around the many animals there, He then look over and see a giant pink ass and look up to see a flamingo demon woman

He walk in, Kaede looked around the many animals there, He then look over and see a giant pink ass and look up to see a flamingo demon woman

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???: hey there cutie, too close for comfort for my ass aren't we~


???: you heard me

Kaede:look i don't mean to make you feel uncomfortable

???: don't worry I'm not

Kaede:o...ok anyway why are you in here?

???: I work here

Kaede:oh really?

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