Chapter 38

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The episode opens with Angel Dust waking up in a dimly lit room, tied up to a chair. She tries to budge free but fails. Her captor paces around him.

Captor: Finally awake, Angel Dust.

Angel glowers but eventually regains her confident smile.

Angel Dust: Yeah, and what's it to ya?

Captor holds a knife against Angel's face.

Captor: I want you to tell me where your boss stashes his vault.

Angel Dust: *laughs unbothered.* It's hilarious you think I'd tell you anything.

The captor grabs Angel off the ground by the neck.

Captor: Fine! I guess I'll just have to fuck the information out of ya.

Angel Dust: *Stares defiantly.* Do your worst. *Then breaks into a seductive smile.* Daddy~

The captor rips his shirt open and engages in sexual intercourse with Angel, revealing this is a porn film played on the hotel's TV.

Angel Dust (onscreen): Oh, yeah, baby~

Cuts to Charlie watching creeped out, Vaggie annoyed and Niffty rather interested.

Angel Dust: You know, this performance won me a Sex-x-xi award.

Charlie: It's, uh... Very... Honest?... Oh. *Charlie turns away, nauseous and tries to shield her eyes with her right hand.*

Vaggie: Ew.

Charlie peeks from her fingers back at the TV screen before turning her head away to avoid watching with her hand covering her mouth this time.

Angel Dust (onscreen): Oh, harder, daddy~

Vaggie: *she covers Charlie eyes* Okay! Enough of that. Angel, what the fuck?

Angel Dust: What? You said was show-and-tell day. I'm showin' you my best film, and I'm tellin you that it scored me a win over that bitch, Tiffany Titfucker.

Husk is seen cleaning and wiping a wine glass.

Husk: Ya know, not a very convincing interrogation scene.

David:I agree

Angel Dust: *laughs pissed off* Alright, dickheads. What makes you think you have any right to insult my work to my fuckin' face?

David:Uh...again I was a cop so I've done a ton of interrogations

Husk: You really gonna sit there and act like these scripts ain't hot garbage?

Angel Dust: *Gasps* Fuck you! This is classy art! *Gestures with two hands at the TV screen*

Angel Dust *onscreen*: OH! FUUUCK!

Co-star slaps Angel's butt and bites it. Niffty lies on her stomach on the table with smile, kicking her legs back and forth as she continues watching.

Husk: That's bullshit. You get drunk and bitch about them all the time. Everyone likes to bitch to the bartender. I know everything about you and these motherfuckers at this point. *Gestures to Charlie* Princess, is a bleeding heart who wants to solve everybody else's problems 'cept her own.

Charlie: What?! No, I-- What? Pfffft, no, no. *Vaggie just stares at her silently.*

Husk: *to Vaggie.* This one. *She turns her attention away from Charlie and scowls at Husk, growling under her breath.* Judges everyone and everything because she hates herself.

Vaggie frowns before groaning.

Husk: *to David* You never forgave yourself for having to kill your partner and spend your first five years of hell killing random thugs believing you really were a bent cop

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