Chapter 29

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It opens on both Kaede and Vaggie at a diner on a casual lunch date.

Kaede:So before I came along what was it like at the hotel?

Vaggie: *sighs* It's a God damn nightmare. Sinners and other demons view us as an absolute joke

She takes an agitated sip of her coffee.

Vaggie:Apart from Angel, Richard, Patrick, and Jack who keep fucking everything up for us, we're stuck working with an alcoholic cat with a gambling addiction, an annoying cyclops girl who acts like it's still the 1950s, and of course the raido family

Kaede:Do you believe that sinners can change?

Vaggie:I want to... why? What do you think?

Kaede:It's hard to tell. I can honestly say that most of the people I killed, both when I was alive, my time down here and working with IMP have been absolute scum. And believe me I've killed a lot during the centuries.

Vaggie:I see

Kaede:So it's safe to say that it highly depends on the person themselves and if they're willing to change and most of the time they don't

Vaggie:Well at least you're a good man Kaede

The two of them stare at each other lovingly across the table. The two of them leaned closer and kissed each other.

Kaede:If you don't mind me asking, did you ever tell Charlie know

Vaggie:No and she must never know, I don't know if she'll forgive me for it

Kaede:Knowing her I believe she'll forgive you

Vaggie:Look can talk about something else I don't want talk about my past

Kaede:Very well, why were you working for Zeus?

Vaggie:It was a cover I was sent from heaven to see who is good and evil so when we returned to heaven we'd have all the info we need they'd be able to easily judge where they'd go when they edvenully die

Kaede:I see so you were under cover posing as a sex worker to see how pure or evil they are so it'd be easier to send them to either heaven or hell

Vaggie:Exactly, so as you already know Zeus was a horrible man using and abusing the women who worked for him

Kaede:I can't imagine how it was having to endure that

Vaggie:It was horrible, it was thanks to him is why I never trusted another man since then

Kaede:I see, as I said I'm sorry you had to go through that. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you

Vaggie: *reaching over to Kaede's hand* You've done plenty already. You've made me the happiest I've ever been in my life  and it's thanks to both you and Charlie

Later the two of them chuckles before settling the check and offered her his arm.

Kaede:Shall we?

Vaggie:We shall

It then showed to the two of them walking down the streets of hell back to the hotel.

Vaggie:I had fun tonight

Kaede:So did I

The two of them stared at each other blushing as Kaede brushed her hair back. The two of them came closer together until they tenderly kissed. The two of them stepped into the hotel lobby where Charlie has hearts in her eyes and is squealing like an anime character. Angel Dust is smoking a cigarette and has a smug expression on his face.

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