Chapter 31

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It opens on the Vees tower as Velvette was seen scolding at her models.

Velvette:Fucking disgraceful! Take that off and never let me see it in my parlor again!

That reaction caused the model to sulk down in shame and sadness as she walked off. The next model stepped forward towards Velvette.

Velvette:Ugh you have got to be kidding. You really thought of putting that on in front of me?!

Giving a second to look up from her phone, Velvette laid her daggering red eyes on the model that presented themselves to her. Unfortunately for them Velvette swiped left just like she did on her phone. The model had a more extreme reaction to the critique given by her boss. Tears would flooded her eyes and she would begin to whimper right on the platform she was on along with the other models. Velvette overheard this effect she caused and rolled her eyes at the pathetic display.

Velvette:Oh for fuck's sake. If you can't handle the shit I toss out at you then you don't belong here! Now fuck off my platform before you cause someone to slip on your tears!

The added insults made the model break down even more. She would hop off the platform and ran off to the back crying all the while. The rest of the models that stayed all gave each other concerning glances at one another. They knew Velvette was harsh yet to witness it in such an extremity made them reconsider their choices in modeling. At least in who they choose to model for. Velvette continued to text but did see that the models were conversing amongst one another. She's been in this dilemma before. She wasn't naive to know what they were mingling on about. So raising her hand snapping her fingers loudly making all the models give her their undivided attention. Something that Velvette never got tired of.

Velvette:Let me make this clear! If you hate the way I speak to any of you then don't disappoint me! It's easy as that!

Model:W-well Ms. Velvette... Y-you didn't need to be so mean to her...

One of the models spoke out in a reluctant tone clearly showing how frightened they were in the current situation. The models around them all nodded their heads softly to indicate that they agreed with them. Yet Velvette reacted differently. Stepping onto the platform that they all were on as she stood right in front of the model that spoke out and slapped her hard. This impact made the model fall onto her side holding their cheek in pain. The others watched in terror as Velvette stared down with anger at the outspoken model.

Velvette:You little bitch! You think it's so easy to be in my shoes?! To hear and see you all whinge at my choices of words?! You are all lucky to be even in my presence! You're modeling for me! Velvette! Overlord and member of the Vees! I will make your careers! Just like I can break them! If successors easy everyone would be like me! But they're not! So shut the fuck up and learn to take what I throw at you! Got it!?

The model that was slapped begun to cry as she laid on the floor whilst the others listened closely to Velvette's words.

Velvette:I said... Got it!?!?

Models:Y-Yes Ms. Velvette!

Hearing their obedience made Velvette grin smugly. Yet the model that laid on the floor had yet to deliver her response. Velvette kneeled down to bring her face closer to hers. The model with tears in her eyes and a red mark on her cheek from the slap looks up at Velvette who stared intimidatingly into her eyes.

Model:Y-yes... Ms. Velvette...

Velvette:Good! Now get up and get out! I've had enough of all of you today! Come back tomorrow and do NOT even think about disappointing me like you all did today! Toodles!

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