Chapter 28

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It opens on Milky in her apartment. She adjusts her hair and her dress before she hears knocking at the door and checks the clock. Upon opening the door she sees Kaede as he was wearing another fancy suit he got from Rosie.

 Upon opening the door she sees Kaede as he was wearing another fancy suit he got from Rosie

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Milky:Damn you get drippier and drippier every time I see you

Kaede:Uh...thanks? don't know what that means do you?

Kaede:I'm afraid not

Milky:Don't worry about it let's get going

Kaede:Of course my lady

It then showed to the same restaurant Kaede took Kiki to. Due to being on good terms with the head chef they were given one of the best tables. Secluded on a rooftop with a great view over a large portion of the pride ring.

Milky:How are you on such good terms with the head chef? I've never been here before

Kaede:I've taken a job for him in order to get a reservation for Kiki a while back

Milky:You've started taking kill contracts outside of IMP?

Kaede:Yes. My six month anniversary with Alistra is coming up and I'm trying to save up to get this lovely necklace I saw in a store

Milky:Dang you really go all out for us

Kaede reached out and take her hand from across the table.

Kaede:I really owe it to all of you. After I died, return to my body and came here I never trusted anyone after what happened before I died. I thought I would be a cranky old hermit that lives in secluded, dear I say I believed I would have become like Blitzo and be very rude to everyone I ever meet

Milky lays her other hand on top of Kaede's reassuringly.

Milky:Babe. You're nothing like that limp dick creep. You actually care about people. You should've seen Verosika before she started dating you

Kaede:What was she like?

Milky:Temperamental, lot of mood swings, and she was addicted to that damn Beelzejuice. Fuck she was even in rehab for a while

Kaede:What is that?

Milky:Basically a place where people who drinks to much alcohol to help them stop

Kaede:Oh I see, and she never told me about that part

Milky:I think she is ashamed about it. She's paranoid that if she told you, you might wanna break up with her

Kaede:I would never do that to her or any of you

Milky: *chuckling* Wow this conversation took a dark turn

Kaede: *chuckling* Yeah hehe it seems so, let's move on to something else. What did you do before worked for Verosika?

Milky:I used to jack cars when I was younger and I fell into a gang after stealing a car from another gang with a dumb name. "The Brotherhood" or some shit.

Kaede:Oh yeah I heard of that gang, they were in a gang war with two others. They were called "The Ronin" and "The Sons of Samdi" I believe. I single handed wiped out all three from existence

Milky:Anyway a couple of years later we were trying to hijack Verosika's car, but instead of being pissed she was actually impressed and offered me a job

Kaede:That's very nice of her. She seems to actually care and respects you all, unlike Blitzo

Milky:Yeah she's the best. And...thanks for taking me out

Kaede:You're very much welcome

The two of them leaned across the table and kisses each other lovingly. It cuts to the two of them arriving back at her apartment.

Milky:Sit on the couch and I'll be back in a few minutes ok?

Kaede:Ok *he goes to sit down on the couch*

Milky walked into her bedroom. She opens her closet door and smirks upon seeing a certain outfit. A few minutes later it showed Kaede waiting on the couch.

Milky:Oh Kaede~

Kaede looked up from the couch and his eyes widen. Milky is shown wearing cow-printed lingerie, a cow horn headband, and is still wearing her boots. She struts towards the couch seductively before climbing up and straddling his chest. She cups up her breasts invitingly.

Milky:You wanna drink from my milkers?~

Kaede nods.

Milky: *teasingly* You have to earn it first~

She gently pushed Kaede onto his back and positions herself so that her legs are on either side of his head while tossing her panties to the side. He grabbed her thighs and start eating her out.

Milky:Oh fuck you're eager! *moaning* That's actual pretty hot

She runs her hands through his hair.

Milky:The other girls said you were good at this but, *moaning* I had to experience it for myself!

She grips the back of his head forcing his tongue in deeper. She then maneuvers his hands so they're on her ass.

Milky:Keep going baby! Keep going- gaaahh!

She climaxed before taking deep breaths and the two of them sit back up and she once again straddles his chest before tossing her bra to the side.

Milky:You've more than earned this

Kaede started sucking on her breasts while running his hands down her back.

Milky: *teasingly* I guess this takes "being thirsty for someone" to a whole other level

She cranes her head to the side and kisses down Kaede's neck while he continued to drink her milk.

Milky:OK I'm getting seriously turned on. How about we take this to the next level?~

Kaede:As you wish

Milky walked over to a wall and placed her hands on it before looking back over her shoulder with bedroom eyes.

Milky:You're not gonna make me wait are you?~

Kaede smirked and walked up behind her while disrobing before he inserted himself into her and she exhaled.

Kaede:Are you ok?

Milky:Yeah, almost forgot how big you are for a second

Kaede started thrusting in and out of her gently, both of them moaning in pleasure.

Milky:Go harder babe. I can take it

Kaede gradually increased speed and he leaned down to kiss her as the two of them came.

Milky:Holy shit...that was amazing!

Kaede:I couldn't agree more

He picked her up and carried her bridal style and the two of them laid down on her bed.

Milky:...I love you Kaede

Kaede:I love you too Milky

He kisses her forehead before the two of them fell asleep.

End Chapter.

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