Chapter 17

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It cuts to the next night after Ozzie's. It opens on Kaede parking his car with Loona in the passenger seat and Darien in the back. Loona was wearing a red dress with a black pentagram design, Darien is wearing a dark blue dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, black leather gloves, slacks and dress shoes, and Kaede was wearing this.

 Loona was wearing a red dress with a black pentagram design, Darien is wearing a dark blue dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, black leather gloves, slacks and dress shoes, and Kaede was wearing this

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They all climbed out of the car as Loona's phone buzzed, she sees a text from Blitzo but she declined it as Darien put a hand on her shoulder.


Loona:What!? No no of course not! *nervously chuckled* Are you?

Darien isn't buying it as he gives a deadpan look as did Kaede.

Loona: *sighs* Yeah I'm a bit nervous. It's not like at Ozzie's where it was Kaede, Elliott, Alex, David, and the girls it's just, gah!

Kaede hugged him from behind.

Kaede:It's alright Loona. I'm sure you'll be fine and remember you're not alone me, Darien, and Tex will be there and worse case scenario if you want to leave then we will

Loona nuzzled into Kaede.

Loona:Thanks babe

She looks down at her phone and texts Vortex.

Loona: (over text) Hey, I'm her

Loona: (over text) Oh shit

Loona: (over text) *here, sry :)

Kaede while still hugging her ran his hands up and down her body.

Loona:Kaede?! Come on we're in public!

Kaede:I can't help it of you look sexy in this dress

He kissed along her neck and lightly bite her throat making her moan before she craned her neck to lick his cheek. They were brought back to reality as they heard a motorcycle pulled up and they saw Alex on it with Courtney riding bitch, Alex was wearing the same outfit he wore at the harvest moon festival

Alex:Hey guys

Darien:Oh hey Alex, we didn't expect to see you here

Alex:You kidding there's no way I'd ever miss a hellhound party

Then they were approached by Vortex.

Vortex: *waves at the group* Hey my brothers Alex, Darien, and Kaede, Loo-naaa! Hey guys glad you could make it *notices Courtney* and who's this?

Alex:Tex this one of my girlfriends Courtney

Vortex:oh finally got into dating huh

Alex:Yeah heh

Vortex:That's good to hear

Loona:Anyway thanks for inviting us

The group walk into the mansion, where the party is taking place.

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