Chapter 15

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It opens on Loona at her desk drinking a soda with a bored expression due to the rest of I.M.P being on a mission. The phone on her desk suddenly rings. She answered with a disinterested tone of voice.

Loona:Hello I.M.P, who do you need killed? *drinks her soda*

Stella:This is Stella of the Ars Goetia-

Loona spits out her soda.

Stella:I would like to hire a bodyguard

Loona: *catching her breath* Uh yeah of course your highness. Who would you like as your bodyguard

Stella:Is Kaede available? I will accept no one else

Loona: *concerned* Uhhhh...

Kaede: *text* Just got done. Could you open the portal please?

Loona swallows nervously and obliges.

Loona:One second your highness, he just walked in


Moxxie:The headmaster and orderlies of that foster home were MESSED UP

Kaede walked in with Millie and Webs  sitting on his shoulders with a skeleton in his hand.

Kaede:I never knew such sick people exist nowadays *he said as he reduced the skeleton to ashes*

Millie:Only best friends *to Kaede* and lovers execute pedophiles together! *kisses his cheek*

Webs:hell yeah we kick ass together

Loona:Uh Kaede, you should take this it's important

She said as she hands him the phone.


Stella:Hello Kaede it's Stella

Kaede:Oh hello your majesty, do you need anything?

Stella:Yes I need you and only you to be my bodyguard tomorrow. I have to meet with other nobles for official business. Seeing my imp obssed husband is too much of a fool, I'll be taking care of it. We'll be meeting in the afternoon, going to a show, and finishing with dinner. Does that sound good to you?

Kaede:Sure I don't mind that

Stella:Excellent. And of course you'll be paid handsomely. That's one thing I like about you, you have a good heart and always willing to help others. I'll see you tomorrow at noon

Kaede:Alright see you then

They both hung up.

Millie: *concerned* what is it sugar?

Kaede:Stella want me to be her bodyguard tomorrow

Everyone except Blitzo look at each other with concerned looks in their eyes

Blitzo:Alright! Big payday for us!

Loona:She only wants Kaede

Blitzo:What kind of bullshit is that?!

Kaede: *annoyed* Why don't you ask her yourself?

Blitzo: *nervous* Uh, so like I said good luck tomorrow son proud of you *leaves the room*

Loona: *concerned* You're not taking this job are you?

Kaede:I already said yes

Millie: *concerned* Kaede it's not gonna be like that time at Loo Loo Land or the time with you and Loona bodyguarded Octavia

Kaede:I know. I'm aware of the dangers involved, but we need the money and Stella pays

Millie:We know Kaede

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