Chapter 3

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It shows the next day as it was morning and Kaede was still asleep in bed

Kaede: zzzz

He then smelled something that was cooking as it woke him up

Kaede: What's that heavenly smell

He followed the smell towards the kitchen and when he gets there he sees both Amaka and Webs in the kitchen cooking breakfast as they were wearing approns with nothing on underneath

Kaede: uh...

They both turned towards him

Both:morning Kaede~

Kaede:W-what are you wearing

Amaka:these are called approns

Kaede: then why are you not wearing anything under it

Webs:thought we'd suprise when you woke up~

Kaede: how

Amaka:still get to see our "assets" on display~

Kaede: Uh...

Webs:she means you can stare at our breasts and ass all you want

Kaede: Really?


Kaede: why?

Both:why not?~

Kaede: I don't know

Amaka:just don't worry about it so much ok?

Kaede: ok?

Webs:anyway hope you're hungry we made breakfast

Kaede: thanks

They surved him his breakfast which consists of some pancakes, eggs, beacon, sausage, and hash browns

Kaede: thanks

Kaede started eating

Kaede: delicious

Amaka:glad you like it Kaede

Kaede: so am I

Amaka and Webs also sat down with their own plate of food and started eating too

Kaede: you guys have good cooking skill

Amaka:thanks my parents taught me

Webs:and she taught me as well

Kaede: oh good

???:they look quite delicious *they turned towards the voice as they see a man in all black with semi long blonde hair and an eye patch*

Kaede: Who are you?

Amaka:uncle Trevor?

Kaede: uncle?

Trevor:not biologically me and the others at the hotel are her family in addition to her parents

Kaede: I see

Webs:what are you doing here?

Trevor:I was sent by the others to find Kaede

Kaede: why me

Trevor:because everyone at the hotel was worried about you Alistra especially

Kaede: oh

Amaka:why is she worried about him?

Kaede: oh right, we're dating too


Kaede: I know, surprisingly new to you two

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