Chapter 22

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Scene opens on Loona sitting at her desk with an uninterested expression due to it being a slow day at IMP. Only one client had come in and ordered a hit on his gold digger ex-girlfriend. She looked the various knick-knacks on her desk, there was a bowl of dog treats, bobbleheads of Moxxie and Millie, and a picture involving both herself and Kaede. The picture consists of both of them standing out of a burning movie theater that the two of them set fire after realizing that everything playing there sucked. In the picture they were posing while Loona was kissing Kaede on his cheek. She sighs contently and hugs the picture to her chest before noticing a certain warmth...between her legs.

Loona:Already? I just fucked Kaede last night.

The heat between her legs gets warmer as she remembered both of them at a nightclub and had their "passionate fornication" in one of the stalls of the bathroom.

Loona:Fuck, his cum is so tasty.

The heat between her legs starts to become unbearable as she starts to pant heavily. She grabs the photo of Kaede and rushes into a supply closet on the floor and locks herself in. Wasting no time at all she lowered her pants and starts pleasuring herself while staring at the photo of Kaede.

Loona:You're so fucking perfect~.

She presses a gentle kiss to the picture before bitting her lip to hold in the moans while she continued to touch herself.

Loona:And when you get back I'm gonna fuck you until you pass out my alpha~.

She chuckles to herself while fantasizing about what she intends to put Kaede through, while finishing up her self-service and sighing contently. She cleans herself up and returns to her desk right as as a grimoire portal opens and the Imps, Darien, Webs, Summer, Dia, and Kaede reentered the office. As the others prepare to head out for the night Loona corners Kaede and pins him against the wall.

Loona:Hey daddy~

Kaede:Oh hello Loona

She starts sniffing at him before licking the crevice of his neck.

Loona:I missed you

She starts kissing down Kaede's neck while trailing her hands down his chest

Kaede:heh...I missed you too, but I was only gone for half an hour

Loona:that's half an hour too long

She started fiddling with Kaede's belt and he grabbed her hands gently


Loona: *pouting slightly* why?

Kaede:Are you ok? You've seemed sorta....outta it these past couple days

Loona stared into Kaede's eyes before sighing

Loona:Look babe.... the truth is that...I'm in heat.

Loona:Basically I'm more horny than normal


Loona: *she pushed Kaede onto her desk, straddling him and running her hands through his hair* and I need my super handsome, sexy, supportive, and loving boyfriend to help me through it


She pins his hands above his head and gives him bedroom eyes

Loona:Aw come on. Don't you wanna pound your Hound?~

She licks Kaede's face a few times, her tail slowly wagged from side to side

Kaede:Is it that bad?

Loona:Yes! It feels like I'm burning up inside. Please baby I can barely stand it anymore

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