Chapter 21

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The scene opens on Kaede walking out of his room as he seem dresses for a night out. As he walked down the hall and into the main lobby he bummed into Charlie.

 As he walked down the hall and into the main lobby he bummed into Charlie

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Charlie:Hey Kaede. Are you going somewhere today?

Kaede:Hello Charlie I'm just-

Husk: (off-screen) He's taking me out

She flies out from behind the bar before nuzzling her cheek against Kaede's.

Charlie:Wait Husk we were supposed to-

Husk:I'm sure you can handle the weekly sharing circle without me there princess. *flirtatious* Mama is busy right now

She kisses Kaede's cheek making him flustered and Charlie can't help but feel a bit jealous.


She turned away and passive-aggressive mumbles under her breath.

Charlie:Just trying to get this hotel in order so that we can show Heaven that sinners do have a chance of being redeemed, but don't let me stop you!

David:Uh stop who?

Charlie looked over and saw David before looking back at where Kaede and Husk was at but see that they had already left as she groaned in annoyance.

David:Who were you talking to?

Charlie:No one David

She said as she goes to close the door. Cut to Kaede and Husk walking through the streets of hell, with Husk having her arm hooked through Kaede's while purring.

Husk:Thanks for getting me out of that hotel honey. It's so boring

Kaede:It's no problem. But if you don't mind me asking how did you end up there in the first place since you don't seem to have any interest in redeeming yourself?

Husk:Alistra dragged Niffty and I there to help out with her new shitty "project" that she randomly shows interest in. At least the boys actually gave a shit about it

Kaede:And does Alistra have interest in new "projects" often?

Husk:Eh. Only if she thinks it's "entertaining". But enough about her

She pulled Kaede closer and wraps one of her wings against him.

Husk:How did a handsome stud like you end up here?

Kaede:Well like I told the others I was murdered by my clan who accused me of something I didn't do, my spirit was crouped with anger and revenge so I didn't left earth and I returned to my body so I could get my revenge on them. After slaughter every in the clan and buring down the homes I left through a portal that lead me here

The two of them entered a bowling alley set up with Husk getting numerous gutter balls.

Husk: *sighs* God damn it, this really isn't my game

Kaede:Funny how I've never played this game before and yet I'm really good at this, I guess anything that involve throwing stuff I'm really good at it since I use shurikins and kuinais

He rolled his ball and end up getting a perfect strike before Husk kisses him on the cheek causing him to get flustered.

Husk:Those are some skilled hands you've got there~ *purrs*

She gently takes them and guides them to her hips.

Husk: *purring* I wonder what else they're good for~

Kaede: *flustered* Husk please, we're in public


She leans up and kisses him gently. Cut to the two of them returning to the hotel later that night with everyone else being asleep. Husk flies over to the bar and starts making drinks for the two of them.

Kaede:So people normally mix drinks like this?

Husk:Yes it's how gets their flavor otherwise it'd be pretty sour and bitter

Kaede:And how did you get really good at it?

Husk:I grew up around casinos and the like and was always mesmerized by it

She bends over to grab a bottle making sure Kaede get a full view of her ass before turning back and pouring their drinks in a manner that allows him to see her breasts straining against her shirt.

Husk:See anything you like?~ *seductive wink*

Kaede:Well I wouldn't say I "like" it *drinks*

Husk: *bedroom eyes* Oh really?~ well I've got an idea for a different game we can play then

After finishing their drinks Husk leads Kaede over to a poker table set up in the lobby and pulls a deck of cards out.

Husk:Ever played strip poker before?, nor have I ever played regular poker
Husk:Don't worry I'll teach you

After a moment of explaining the rules.

Husk:You got everything?

Kaede:Yeah I got it

Husk:Good *bedroom eyes* This'll be fun~

They started playing, resulting in Husk losing two hands in a row and taking her shirt and pants off leaving her in her bra and panties. What Kaede didn't know was that she deliberately lost so that she could tease him. Husk then starts playing for real and he end up taking off his clothes and edvenully his underwear. Husk's eyes roam his body while letting out aroused purring while he try not to stare and keep eye contact with her as he felt a little embarrassed at sitting naked in the middle of the hotel lobby.

Husk:Don't feel too bad I wouldn't say that you "lost" exactly

Kaede:What do you mean?

He said as he watched her climbed onto the poker table strike a seductive pose on top of it.

Kaede: *blushes* Uh...

Husk:Now come here and give mama her jackpot~

She pulled Kaede into a heated make out session and onto the table with her. He grabbed her breasts before taking her bra off as she moans in pleasure.

Husk:Oh yeah...just like that handsome~

She kisses his neck as he start sucking on her breasts.

Husk:Oh fuck yeah!

She lets out a slight cat yowl before covering her mouth to muffle it. She then flips positions so she's on top kissing Kaede roughly as she positions herself and starts riding him while he grabbed her ass.

Husk:Sweet Luficer you feel amazing!

She feels that she's going to involuntarily yowl again and bites Kaede's shoulder to muffle it.
Husk:Sorry sweetie I don't wanna wake everyone up. That wasn't too rough was it?

Kaede:Not at all Mama

Husk:Good boy

She continued riding Kaede attacking occasionally bitting or sucking his shoulders and neck before the two of them cummed. The two of them then fell asleep right on the poker table with Husk having her wings and tail wrapped around him as they fell asleep.

End Chapter.

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