Chapter 34

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Scene opens on Kaede walking through Gluttony Ring before arriving at Bee's mansion. He takes a deep breath as he contemplated the conversation he had with Vortex the night before, with him saying he had no issue with him and Bee having an open relationship. He hesitantly knocked on her door. The buzzing of wings is heard before the door flew opened.

Beelzebub:Hey Kaede!

Kaede:Hello Bee- oof!

He was cut off as she hugs him tightly with all four arms before pressing a kiss to his cheek.

Beelzebub:I'm glad you decided to take Tex and I up on our offer. I've heard a lot of good things about you

She wraps her leg around his waist.

Beelzebub:Plus you were a whole lot of fun at the party. I can't believe that was your first one!

Kaede:Yeah, I didn't go out much when I was alive. Apart from the usual tasks we were ordered to do from our grandmaster I was never invited to any parties. Plus they were mainly for those higher ranking than the common folk

Beelzebub:Aww well you were definitely missing out

She flirtatiously takes his hand and guides it towards her ass before he cleared his throat.

Kaede: *flustered* So uh... did you have anything special planned for tonight?

Beelzebub:Fuck yeah. I just opened it a new dance club *shakes her ass seductively*

Cuts to the two of them arriving with two bouncers bowing before waving the two of them in.

Beelzebub:What's up my dirty bitches?! Your Queen Bee of Gluttony and The Last Ninja have arrived!

The club patrons howled in appreciation while Kaede awkwardly waved.

Beelzebub:I'll never get tired of that. Now let's dance!

She pulled Kaede onto the dance floor before she starts dancing seductively making sure she bumps against him any chance she gets. After getting Kaede flustered she gently pushed him onto a couch and winks.

Kaede:Bee, what are you-

Beelzebub:Just relax and enjoy the show~

She walked up to the stage bending over so Kaede get a nice view of her honeybuns and grabbing one of the dancer poles moving her hands up and down in a suggestive manner before looking over her shoulder and blowing Kaede a kiss. Meanwhile Kaede just sat blushing up a storm. Beelzebub seductively dances on the pole drawing the attention of everyone in the clu, edvenully flashing Kaede and the crowd before she struts back over to Kaede straddling him and kisses him roughly.

Beelzebub: *running all four arms over his chest* Let's get outta here~

Kaede: *flustered* Y...yes ma'am

Beelzebub opens a portal to her mansion and the two of them walked through. She pushed Kaede on the couch as the two of them started making out.

Beelzebub:Go on big boy, you can touch me~

Kaede ran his hands up her sides as she pushed him on his back and starts kissing his neck. Unfortunately intrusive thoughts entered his mind and Beelzebub pulled back.



Beelzebub:I know you're thinking about Tex

Kaede:How did you-

Beelzebub:Remember I can taste the energies that demons give off

Kaede:Right. I do like you Bee. But Tex is a good friend of mind and I can't help but to think I'm betraying him by doing this

Beelzebub:I know why you'd think that way, but you have my word, he is fine with it. But we can stop if you're not comfortable

Kaede:No let's- ...let's continue

Beelzebub kisses him passionately.

Beelzebub: *bedroom eyes* Now be a good buzzy bee and get a taste of my honeypot~

She pulled her shorts down before lying on her back and spreading her legs. Kaede started eating her out while placing his hands on her thighs.

Beelzebub: *gasp* Fuck yeah, ...good boy

She lets out an aroused bark and wraps her legs around Kaede's head.

Beelzebub:Be honest babe. You've wanted this haven't you?~

Kaede let out a few muffled sounds.

Beelzebub: *running her hands through his hair* Mmm, you don’t have to talk. Just keep licking~

This goes on for a couple minutes before she climaxed.

Beelzebub:Oh fuck yeah...OH FUCK YEAH!

She pushes Kaede on his back and mounted him.

Beelzebub:Now give me that motherfucking honey!~

She starts riding Kaede while holding him down with all four arms.

Beelzebub:Come on babe. Buck up into me~

Kaede did as she said while she leans down and nuzzled into his neck before holding him close and he wrapped his arms around her waist. This goes on for a few minutes with Beelzebub letting out pleasured whimpers before the two of them climaxed.

Beelzebub: *panting* Now that ...was some motherfucking honey

She gently kisses Kaede's cheek before wrapping all four arms around and they fell asleep on her couch. The next morning Kaede woke up by a knock on the door. He quickly got up before snapping his fingers making his clothes reappeared on him a he grabbed his sword and slowly approached the door. He opens it and sees Vortex who flashes Kaede his signature grin.

Kaede:O...oh hello Vortex *setting his sword down*

Vortex:Hey brother. She didn't tire you out too much last night did she?

Beelzebub: *off-screen* Oh of course not

She flies in carrying three coffee mugs.

Beelzebub:I knew he could handle me

Kaede:So you're really absolutely on with-

Vortex:Relax man. I always knew the queen would attract more than one suitor

Beelzebub:I'm just glad my boys are getting along!

She wrapped her arms around the two of them and kisses both of them on the cheek.

Beelzebub:Now when are you going to bring Loona or Verosika around for a foursome?

Both boys blushed at that question.

End Chapter.

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