Chapter 24

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It opens on Octavia in her room trying to get ready for her date with Kaede frantically trying on different dresses and checking her makeup.

Octavia: *frantic* None of this looks right!

Stolas: *outside her room* Via I'm telling you just go as your natural self! Kaede fell in love with you for you it won't matter how you look!

Octavia: *calming down* Alright. Here I come

She exits her room wearing a hat, fingerless gloves, a shirt with an Owl face shaped like a heart, and a skirt with crosses on it.

She exits her room wearing a hat, fingerless gloves, a shirt with an Owl face shaped like a heart, and a skirt with crosses on it

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Octavia:How do I look?

Stolas: *smiling* You look perfect Via. Kaede will love it

Octavia: *hugging him* Thanks dad!

They hear a horn as they looked to see Kaede's car in front of the mansion as he got out of it and stood by the passenger side as he wore this outfit.

Octavia:He's here! *she kisses Stolas on the cheek* See ya dad!

Stolas:Have fun my little owlet!

Octavia makes her way to the front door. Octavia runs up to Kaede and hugs him as he spun her around.

Kaede:You look great Octavia

Octavia: *blushing* Thanks babe

The two of them kissed tenderly.

Kaede:Let's get going

The two of them assumed their human disguises as Kaede holding the door open for Octavia as she entered before he entered through the driver's side and they drove through a portal to Earth.

The two of them assumed their human disguises as Kaede holding the door open for Octavia as she entered before he entered through the driver's side and they drove through a portal to Earth

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It cuts to Kaede and Octavia and riding down a stretch of rural road in the living world.

Octavia:You still haven't mentioned where we're going

Kaede: It's a surprise

Octavia:It better not be anything fancy or upscalebi hate that stuck up shit

Kaede:As you wish princess

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