chapter 14

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Verosika returned to her mansion after a concert and lets out a tired sigh.

Verosika:Satan that venue sucked

She looked around and noticed that one of the doors to her balcony was opened.

Verosika:I could've sworn I closed that

She walked over to her balcony, stopping in her tracks when she sees several candles lit up and Kaede was dressed in a suit sitting on the ledge with a guitar laying next to him.

Kaede:Hello Verosika

Verosika: *flattered* What the fuck is this?

Kaede:Just thought I'd do something extra for you. You've been really stressed within all those uh...concerts right? Plus Moxxie has been giving me guitar lessons

Verosika:In exchange for what exactly?

Kaede:Helping him satisfy Millie whenever she's in the mood. She's almost sent him to the hospital a couple of times

He picked up the guitar.

Kaede:But enough of that. Tonight is all about you

And with that he began playing.

Kaede:...I love you Verosika

Verosika: *Verosika.EXE has stopped working*

Kaede notice that she became practically catatonic and he see that her eyes are glistening with tears

Kaede: *nervous* Oh no...did I over do it? I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to pressure you or-

He was cut off as she tackled him to the ground and he was assaulted with a barrage of kisses. By the time she pulled away, he had several lipstick marks on his face and neck.

Verosika:I love you too Kaede

Kaede: *slightly dazed* I figured

She chuckled and pulled him back to his feet.

Verosika:I got something for you too. Wait right here

45 seconds later.

Verosika: (offscreen) What do you think?

She walked back into frame wearing a sexy ninja outfit.

Verosika:What do you think?~ I read up on the edo period and learned of Kanoichi and how they'd dress does it look accurate?~

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Verosika:What do you think?~ I read up on the edo period and learned of Kanoichi and how they'd dress does it look accurate?~

Kaede responded by picking her up bridal style.

Kaede:very accurate~


The two of them started heavily making out as he carried her to the bedroom. As soon as he laid her down on the be then flips and pins him so that she's the one on top. She started biting, licking, and sucking down both sides of his neck, stopping briefly for the two of them share a tender kiss as he reached him hands up and gently squeezed her breasts.

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