Chapter 25

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It opens on Verosika in her studio looking despondently at an old photo of happier times. Said photo consists of her and Blitzo at a carnival with him having just won her a stuffed animal.

Overcome with emotion she tosses the framed photo to the ground and chastised herself.

Overcome with emotion she tosses the framed photo to the ground and chastised herself

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Verosika:Stupid! Why do I still have that!?

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Verosika:Stupid! Why do I still have that!?

She collapses onto her knees.

She collapses onto her knees

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Verosika:I hate you...

Kaede entered the studio with a bag of carry-out.

Clyde: *Not taking in his surroundings* Hey Verosika I've-

He then noticed Verosika starring at the broken photo looking like it's taking her every ounce of will power not to cry. Kaede rushed over gently helping her to her feet and wrapped his arms around her.

Kaede:Hey hey hey...are you alright?

Verosika: *fake smile* it's nothing babe, nothing you need to worry about

Kaede: *sternly* Verosika


Kaede:I can tell when something is bothering you

Verosika:...It's the anniversary of when Blitzo abandoned me


Verosika:I thought he loved me. But he only cared about my money *her voice cracks* he made me feel so used and...

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