Chapter 30

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It opens on Kaede and Charlie on the roof of the Hazbin Hotel having dinner. Kaede was wearing a regular suit and tie while Charlie was wearing a red dress that shows off her legs and similar red gloves. The two of them are being waited by Razzle and Dazzle. The two baphomet like demons had been given to Charlie during her childhood and were meant to act as her bodyguards. Kaede despite him always being stoic and not easily intimidated by anything or anyone is feeling very nervous due to the present company. Not only because Charlie was THE Princess of Hell, someone who could wipe out just about anyone who wronged her with the snap of her finger if she felt like it. He also understood from when he went out with Husk that she was really jealous and he didn't want to risk hurting her feelings or he would hurt him even worse.

Charlie:I'm so glad we were finally able to make time to go out Kaede

Kaede:I couldn't agree more your highness

Charlie:Kaede I already told you, you don't need to be formal with me. I've never been big on asserting authority over anyone unless I have to

Kaede:Sorry it's an old habit, I've always been taught to show respect my surpiriors and those higher ranked than me

Charlie:That's fine but still you don't have to call me that especially if we're dating too.

Kaede:Very well then

Charlie:You know I'm intrigued by your whole history. You're a condemned sinner who's spirit repossessed your body and become a demon, slaughtering your village avenging your wrongful murder, coming to hell, for centuries act like somewhat of a savior for those who needs help the most, and are dating multiple women, including my girlfriend

Kaede:Right...That's not overly complicated or anything like that

Charlie:Of course not! I'm happy that she's finally met someone other than me that she can actually trust and relate to. You're the only other person I've seen her genuinely happy around

Kaede:That's good. She deserves to be happy after what she went through

Charlie:I have to ask though, do you...regret anything about what you did?

Kaede:Well...yes and no. No because of getting my revenge on those who accused me of doing something I didn't do and that they killed an innocent man. And yes because...I murdered my family in my fit of rage not realizing that they were the only once who believed me that I was innocent and I just murdered them blindly

Charlie:So I have to ask *hesitantly* are you interested in being rehabilitated?

Kaede: *sighs* I appreciate the offer. I really do but...i can't. Even if it is true that sinners can be redeemed I'd be leaving so much behind if that happened. Most of the women I'm dating are hell born so they wouldn't come into heaven with me and I'd be leaving everything behind forever

Charlie:I understand

Kaede:Plus I've met a trio of cherubs a few months back that ruined the idea of heaven for me. They were going out of their way to protect dishonorable people that hurt the innocent because their lack of wealth

Charlie:I've actually never met cherubs. What are they like

Kaede:They're very childish and too prideful of their mission that they become incompetent

Charlie:I see

It cuts to Kaede walking Charlie back to her room.

Charlie:I had a really nice time tonight Kaede

Kaede:So do I Charlie

They reached her door and the two of them stared at each other unsure of what to do next.

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