Chapter 23

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Kaede was seen lounging on a couch in the hotel petting Keykey as she laid on his lap. He then heard his phone ding as he picks it up and sees a text from Moxxie.

Moxxie (text):Help me.

Kaede (text):What's wrong Moxxie?

Moxxie (text):It's Millie. She's in one of her ...moods. We've already gone for five rounds and I'm completely spent.

Kaede (text):I'm on my way

He gently set key key aside and teleported away. He appeared at M&M's apartment as he knocked on the door and Millie answered only wearing her bra and panties.

Kaede:Hello Millie.

Millie:Hey Kaede. What are you doing here?

Kaede:Moxxie texted me saying he needed help with... ya know...

Millie:Pfft I wasn't riding him that hard



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Millie: ....oh.

She changed into her regular clothes and the two of them head out to a nearby cafe..

Millie:Bye Mox-Mox!

Kaede:Drink plenty of water!

Moxxie weakly waves before passing out. The scene cuts to the two of them sitting at an outdoor cafe where they're the only customers. They're waiting for their drinks with a bored expression while Millie looks around mischievously to make sure no one else is around before she lowers her hand so that it's resting on top of Kaede's crotch. He gives her a quizzical look.

Millie:You seem really stressed. Just sit back and let mama take care of you~

She starts to run her hand back and forward over his manhood. Kaede bite his lip causing Millie to let out a seductive giggle..

Millie:Aw you're so cute when you're flustered. I could just eat you up!

She kisses Kaede's cheek a couple times while continuing to pleasure him. She cups his cheek to turn his head to face her so that she can press her lips against his.


The two of them break apart and see an irritated waiter holding their drinks which he then slams down in front of them. Millie flips him off as he leaves before giving Kaede a predatory look.

Millie:You know, I could use a little "cream" with my coffee...

She discreetly lowers Kaede's fly freeing his cock from his pants and holds her coffee cup under it. Kaede gives Millie a flustered grin.

Kaede:Oh my Millie you're a freak.

Millie:Aw you know you love it.

Kaede:Y...yes I do

She gives him a love bite before she starts massaging his length once again occasionally pulling him into a kiss to prevent him from moaning.

Millie:C'mon Kaede. Give me that cream.

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