/ 𝘛𝘩𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘚𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘴 /

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Denver storms were always big. they were always loud. but they were always calming.

well, at least to vance hopper. the curly headed boy loved thunderstorms. they were tough and cool, with amazing lights flashing. it was like a free light-show. 

being able to sit on his porch and just watch the purple and white hues dance across the sky, the loud booms and crackling that came before or after.

he loved it all up until he was leaving the grab n go and it started to thunder and rain. "ah shit not my hair." vance cursed out, pulling off his jean jacket and covering his now frizzy hair.

the walk was a long ways from the grab n go to his house, but he had to make the walk. normally he'd go to a friends, but he didn't have any friends. everyone was scared of him.

about halfway there, vance notices a ball curled up inside a dugout of the baseball field. "what kind of dumbass would be out right now playing baseball?" he mumbled to himself.

vance decided to go towards the little ball for some odd reason. he felt a connectional pull. once he got there, he noticed that it was a boy with jet black hair. the boy looked up at vance's presence, and boy did he look beautiful. soft looking black hair, almond shaped and brown eyes, the cures nose, and the softest lips vance has probably ever seen.

he was just breathtaking.

the blonde decided to clear his throat and stop staring awkwardly. "ahem- uh... you good? it isn't ok to be out here in this weather, you know? go inside you moron." Vance surprised himself by speaking so softly without yelling or cursing. 

handing the boy his jacket, the black haired one finally stood up. Vance noticed that this boy was pretty short compared to him, which made him chuckle.

'he's just getting cuter and cuter.'

"sorry i uh.... i was on my way home but then the thunder started so i just took shelter." right as the brunette said that, the lights flashed and a loud boom echoed through the field.

scared, the boy jumped into the tallers arms. vance's first instinct was to grab the boy and hold him up by his thighs. the two looked at each other with pink tinting their faces and ears.

vance smirked. "i take it you don't like thunderstorms baby." the smaller shook his head no. "yeah i don't really like-" he stopped mid sentence, contemplating what was just said to him.


"what?? spit it out."

"you called me baby."


"never mind. you're vance hopper. of course you say it to everybody you meet."

vance looked a little dumbfounded to hear the smaller speak. "you know my name?" the brunette looked up and giggled. oh god that was so adorable, "of course i know your name, everyone does. you're the toughest kid at northwest, and you're pretty good at pinball."

vance cleared his throat, "obviously i'm good at pinball dickwad. i'm a master at everything i do."

"i'm bruce yamada."


"that's my name."

"oh uh... yeah. HEY KNOW YOU! you're that kid who's really good at baseball and a straight A student." vance finally remembered where he recognized this boy from.

/ 𝘉𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘦-𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴/Where stories live. Discover now