/𝘍𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 /

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this one was requested and i LOVED the idea so here we are

also inspired by friends - chase atlantic

(i've had this idea for a few days now so this is perfect)


both boys are 18, modern AU


bruce knew this was wrong.

he knew the moment he laid eyes on finneys boyfriend that he was doomed.

vance was hot, beyond attractive. his long curly hair and his muscles being shown at all times, the way he towers over bruce and the way he takes his anger out. everything about vance made bruce interested.

bruce had a girlfriend though, a beautiful, smart, amazing girlfriend. so why fall for someone so troubled? and already taken?

vance invaded bruce's mind from then on, the burnette even going crazy thinking about just the mere thought of touching vance. he knew he would never hurt finney, so that's why he tried his hardest to push down his feelings for the blonde.

but nothing stays secret forever.


finney had invited bruce to a party of his friends.

the two had been separated at the beginning, finney being surrounded by his colleagues and dragged over to where the drinks were. bruce didn't really like parties, only for the alcohol and occasional hookup's. plus, he loved to wear his revealing outfits.

bruce was leaning onto a side table watching the party go on, neon lights making his body shine. he would have stayed there if it wasn't for an oh so familiar face appearing next to him.

"hey bruce, what are you doing here all alone?" vance's deep raspy voice was barely heard over the music. the shorter turned to him and gave a smile. "oh you know, finney dragging me here and then leaving me." bruce sipped the last shot of Malibu he had.

he let his head lean back and let out a deep sigh, not noticing the expression on vance's face change from calm to haywire. the blonde had never really had an eye on bruce, the first time they met he thought he was cute sure but he loved finney.

finney was like his baby, his precious. plus, he'd heard from around town that bruce was a dick sucker and loved to play around. but he hasn't been doing that lately. not ever since he met vance a few months ago.

but here he was, suddenly drooling over his boyfriends best friend. bruce was his friend, but at what cost?

bruce saw out the corner of his eye vance staring him down, he looked like he was in a daze. bruce smirked and shifted to the taller. "you here only for finney? or for.... something else?" bruce's words trailed off.

vance met his eyes and leaned down to match energy. he never would have done this, there must have been something in his drink.

"well.... what if there was?" vance's warm breath washed over bruce like a blanket. the burnette loved the way vance could make him do anything he wanted.

from a bystander, you could see that the two were flirting and even about to fuck. but no, they were just friends. there had to be no connection other than that.

"i'm going to get a drink, want to come?" bruce asks vance. the taller nodded and they set off on their journey. while they made their drinks, bruce looked over to see vance staring at people on a couch. leaning over, he saw he was looking at finney and his friends.

/ 𝘉𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘦-𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴/Where stories live. Discover now